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Rahul Shrivastava @rahulbhiwadi1
Member Since: Jul 29, 2004
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Education: Btech 2nd year
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Reviewed Superman Returns
Superman : The 3D Experience
I am not much familiar with this franchise actually. An honestly I believed that a superhero who is almost faultless and indestructible has to be boring. We...Read more
Reviewed Camel Mountain Bags
Avoid Camel Mountain: Lifetime Warranty Is Scam
I strongly advise against purchasing any product from Camel Mountain. My experience with their so-called "lifetime warranty" has been nothing short of a nig...Read more
Reviewed Brazilian Football Team
The indomitables
Brazil. The undisputed kings of football - a sport thats played all over the world. One touch passes that never lack precision, the ability to instantly ...Read more
Reviewed Ten Favorite Hollywood Movies
Jolly Holly!!
Idea for this came from Teny's review. Hmm... its not easy to pick 10 out of a hundred but as haphazard my thoughts may be, yours truly will give it a shot....Read more
Reviewed Learning to Drive
Dating tin and rubber
It was holidays time and each and every one of my friends was doing some or the other'course'. They were utilising their time with JAVA, C+ and the like. An...Read more
Reviewed Phir Hera Pheri
Big time 'hera pheried'...
The reason It was Saturday and we had nothing to do. Ok I had to play UT03 and there were some downloads but then you know... such 'intentions' are not t...Read more
Reviewed Ten Most Innovative Computer Games
Look Who's bak!
After a prolonged hiatus of wandering the prince came back. wait. I shouldn't sound like Enid Blyton. So you are bored like with the same old dingy fps? Or ...Read more
Reviewed Nokia 2600
My first mobile and I am not complaining!
As u know, I am going for my engg. But even so, it was a surprise when yesterday all of a sudden my dad took me to a Nokia - SonyEricsson dealer after a sho...Read more
Reviewed Writing Reviews on MouthShut
Likhte likhte love ho jaye...
The views expressed here are my own and in no way project or try to project the'right' or the'wrong'. The reason Why do I write? I write because frank...Read more
Reviewed Pepsi 'Football in the Sea' commercial
I once thought I'd never have a soft drink again.
So you've seen 'at-home' Bollywood hunks 'bikini' bimbettes and awkwardly cricketers eh? Now its the chance of global football stars to entice you towards '...Read more
Reviewed Handling Depression
My tryst with the demons...
Now an 18yr old may not be the ideal person to tell you about handling depression. So rather than going into the general scheme of things, I will tell you a...Read more
Reviewed Five Worst Computer Games
Don't play around...
I have not included Counter Strike for ill-affecting my health due to untimely meals, Colin McRae Rally 2.0 for making me drive my Alto Lx as a Ford Focus R...Read more
Reviewed Five Worst Cars
Calling all creatures that love the four wheels..
Cars are supposed to be technological marvels, beautiful avtaars of the vehicle, machines to take us places and do so in comfort and safety. But there are a...Read more
Reviewed Ace Ventura : Pet Detective
Antics of a great doctor
I do not chew 20 bubble gums at a time. I do not sit in a post-box. I do not scare the wits out of people at parties. I look through the windscreen of my ca...Read more
Reviewed Parineeta
Look who's talking!
Yes I am back.. and those expecting a game review should hear David Dhawan brag about his new film being different. Parineeta... a new Saif flick, a new ...Read more
Reviewed Commenting on Reviews
Bolo to jaane....
Commenting on reviews Why I am writing on this topic - We recently lost a very good member (not Tanmay) at MS just because of irresponsible commenting...Read more
Reviewed Choosing Gifts for a Mother
Chanda hai tu... Mera suraj hai tu...
Choosing gifts for Mother Like everyone, I share a very special bond with my mother. She is the best person I know. I can discuss anything with her - fro...Read more
Reviewed Twenty Best Cars
MY **50**th Review YAY!!
Cars are the biggest passion that I have. Here I have chosen my all time favorites. Let the Carmageddon begin! Dodge Viper GTS-R The best American mus...Read more
Reviewed Porsche 911
*RNo.49*>Dial 911 for nirvana:Porsche's here
Rejoice! Motoring aficionados, there's a reason to be happy - Porsche is in India! The renowned marquee making world-class sports cars has established its d...Read more
Reviewed Godfather
THE GODFATHER : The movie and of all movies
The Godfather I first saw this movie three years back and have watched it several times over. Every time I watch it, I find something new. It is a movie ...Read more
Reviewed The Fast and the Furious
CARMIC Actions
The Fast and the Furious Love cars? Hate art films? This one is for you. The Fast and the Furious is for the 'Torque' and 'Gone in 60 seconds' lovers. ...Read more
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