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Pepsi 'Football in the Sea' commercial Reviews

David Beckham in Pepsi adv.
Apr 07, 2009 09:21 AM3328 Views

We all see advertisement in tv every day, in every documentation, every sports event and every movie.

The most advertisements are boring, but there is one advertisement from UK, I saw in a net show which shows the best advertisements around the world.

I really laughed about this advertisement so I want to write about it, you might know this spot.


We are in Manchester stadium, David Beckham just flew out of game cause of a red card, he is going to the locker room but on the way to it he see a young boy with a Pepsi in his hand.

After this had game Beckham is thirsty of course and asks the boy if he could have a little bit.

Of course the boy says yet and it seems he is a big fan of Beckham.

Beckham drinks the Pepsi and enjoys it very much then the boy gets back his coke and Beckham wants to continue his way to the locker room, but the boy say "may I have your shirt please?", all watcher of this spot think now he wants it cause he is a big fan, but when he got it he is cleaning his coke.

Beckham looks very wondered, and he looks more wondered when he get back his shirt and the boy say "thanks" and walks back to the stadium to continue watching the game, Beckhams laughs a bit and goes to locker room finally.


Very funny one, the presentation of the product Pepsi worked fine cause the watcher see the Pepsi long time.

The Spot is very funny and no one thought they would make a spot where Beckham is getting blamed by a little boy;).

The atmosphere of the spot is nice too, really stadium feeling.

At all I give full stars cause I really laughed about this spot, all who like soccer will laugh about Beckham too, really a very very nice Advertisement.

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Ask for More-Pepsi Commercial
Mar 23, 2007 04:25 PM3465 Views

This commercial shows that How Carlos made goal, when he gets the penalty. Respect for chinese people can be seen in this commercial but it results into goal, its quite a funny commercial from pepsi.Its good to see.

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Balik Pulau Malaysia
Aug 12, 2005 12:37 AM2478 Views

Pepsi Dare for more

This TV advert are good best nice ..the all football player also good show good perfomence...i like their all blue shirt..the all pepsi football player also I liked....good skills player at the field and their club... so no choice I like them coz the skill


Henry, David Beckham, Roberto Carlos , Raul, Ronaldinho, Torres , Van Der Vaar are so funny, good skills...the skate board are so beautiful and got their name and number like David Beckham in his board got his name and number 7

so perfect the football also have pepsi logo so pretty ..

i hope have one .... display it at my home and got all pepsi football player signs

then it will the best ... o dont dream more ..stupid guy

in the end are so funny..carlos kick the ball knock the coconut ...ha ha I loud so so so so so so funny... it lovin' it

so so perfect Pepsi Dare for more

i did have sometin more to write stop


Pepsi 'Football in the Sea' commercial
Damp squib!!!
Jul 03, 2005 12:35 AM2819 Views

A few superstars, their antics and stunts -- a perfect blend for an unsuccessful ad campaign. I am a firm believer that too many stars can spoil the campaing. And in this particular ad, the focus was so much on stars -- Beckham, Raul, Ronaldinho, Roberto Carlos and Henry-- and their surfing-cum-soccer skills, that the product (pepsi) is overshadowed. Except for the final sho(r)t, the ad concentrate on the endorsers rather than the product. Too many stars leaves one with little scope for creativity and the puch that an ad campaign needs to be successful. So while, the sprite ads make u to see things with an upside-down vision and the Coke ads give u the kicks with its humour and class, this pepsi ad fails to make any impact on even the diehard pepsi fans like me. Infact, our own Big B managed to strike a perfect chord with the audience with its perky `bubbly' ad. Though this ad campaign can also boasts of stars, but unlike the sea-soccer international ad, this Indian ad never let u forget the product symbolised by its `bubles'. So Thumpsup for Bubbly and a big booooooooooo to the soccer stars. Sorry guys! Ur Sho(r)t was off the target. May be u need to dribble ur brain a bit!

Noida, Rourkela Mera Bharat mahaan
I once thought I'd never have a soft drink again..
Jun 30, 2005 10:07 PM3487 Views

So you've seen 'at-home' Bollywood hunks 'bikini' bimbettes and awkwardly cricketers eh? Now its the chance of global football stars to entice you towards ''soft''drinks. ''''Soft'''' because a pH nearing 2 is soft on virtually nothing.

Drool on baby!

If you have not seen the ad already, lemme tell you what happens - Thierry Henry, Fernando Morientes, David Beckham, Raul Gonzalez, Ronaldinho and Robetro Carlos(phew!) are playing beach-volley when a group of surfers interrupt our obscenely earning 'heroes'.

Now measly surfers are not supposed to mess up with footballers whose combined income is more than the GDP of a small African nation. What's more, the idiots pull the net down and hurl the ball onto the sea. What follows is a series of full-blooded fancy kicks as they play The camerawork is great and so are the kicks. Full marks for drool-value.

Like most pepsi commercials, this ad is pretty long but there are so many stars that except probably Mr Beckham, no one really is onscreen for more than a second. You will never find Morientes except when you really watch out for him. But he must have got used to this kinda treatment on the Madrid bench by now.

For Pepsi, this ad is nothing but another in a series of big-budget commercials. And I think indirectly, Real Madrid will benefit more from it - all the more important as they are presently trying hard to grab the elusive Asian marketplace.

So will this ad make me drink Pepsi? Lemme think ... nah...probably nothing will. Maybe Jennifer Love-Hewitt offering me one on Hawaii beach...

Jun 28, 2005 06:45 PM2712 Views


If “DO THE DEW” sucks, Pepsi has gone ahead and put out the “MOTHER OF ALL SUCKS”

A New Advertisement, probably one from their International stock of films is being shown on TV and what we have….. Hush…. Some head scratching visuals


We have had Man jumping on a cheetah to pluck the swallowed can from the cheetah’s tummy

We have had Men jumping buildings shouting “DO THE DEW”

We have had a man jumping on a shaking wild bull to drink his dew

And Now Pepsi has gone ahead to put the Mountain dew in its right place, with a glorified message that If DEW SUCKS, we can suck even better since we are the bigger of the two.


A bunch of surfers ( not you and me folks who spend much time on the net looking for salvation but those who swim across the almighty sea with all its high tides on a flat piece of surfing board) playing Foot ball.

That is one hell of an imagination playing football in the sea. So we have our heroes kicking the ball high and hard from one guy to another.

A viewer on the beach is captivated and gets thirsty, sees an ice box of Pepsi cans under a coconut tree and goes to fetch one as if the Pepsi drink is for charity

So one of the freaks who is resting on the beach, blows a whistle which is heard by one of the guys playing football in the high seas, he then kicks the ball hard

(A football kicks, probably longest in the history of the game). the ball zooms past the beach hits the coconut tree, a coconut falls right on the box and closes the lid

before the thirsty man can collect his can of Pepsi.( please for gods sake if you are making such a weird advertisement to make people drink your poison then at least allow one poor un suspecting soul to do so in your advertisement)


SIMPLE- our drink and our advertisement is weird than the weirdest and If our competitors try to take your sense away, we are capable of taking your breath (life) away. Forget the MOUNTAIN DEW folks we can now do all our due in the high seas with a Pepsi can in our hand.

Pss—the sound track is great, it’s like one from a Steven Spielberg’s sci-fi thriller but there is no science in Pepsi avoid it its bad for your health


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