If “DO THE DEW” sucks, Pepsi has gone ahead and put out the “MOTHER OF ALL SUCKS”
A New Advertisement, probably one from their International stock of films is being shown on TV and what we have….. Hush…. Some head scratching visuals
We have had Man jumping on a cheetah to pluck the swallowed can from the cheetah’s tummy
We have had Men jumping buildings shouting “DO THE DEW”
We have had a man jumping on a shaking wild bull to drink his dew
And Now Pepsi has gone ahead to put the Mountain dew in its right place, with a glorified message that If DEW SUCKS, we can suck even better since we are the bigger of the two.
A bunch of surfers ( not you and me folks who spend much time on the net looking for salvation but those who swim across the almighty sea with all its high tides on a flat piece of surfing board) playing Foot ball.
That is one hell of an imagination playing football in the sea. So we have our heroes kicking the ball high and hard from one guy to another.
A viewer on the beach is captivated and gets thirsty, sees an ice box of Pepsi cans under a coconut tree and goes to fetch one as if the Pepsi drink is for charity
So one of the freaks who is resting on the beach, blows a whistle which is heard by one of the guys playing football in the high seas, he then kicks the ball hard
(A football kicks, probably longest in the history of the game). the ball zooms past the beach hits the coconut tree, a coconut falls right on the box and closes the lid
before the thirsty man can collect his can of Pepsi.( please for gods sake if you are making such a weird advertisement to make people drink your poison then at least allow one poor un suspecting soul to do so in your advertisement)
SIMPLE- our drink and our advertisement is weird than the weirdest and If our competitors try to take your sense away, we are capable of taking your breath (life) away. Forget the MOUNTAIN DEW folks we can now do all our due in the high seas with a Pepsi can in our hand.
Pss—the sound track is great, it’s like one from a Steven Spielberg’s sci-fi thriller but there is no science in Pepsi avoid it its bad for your health

- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.