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Let`s Relive once and every time

By: RAJESH.SINHA | Posted Nov 24, 2011 | General | 1179 Views

In today`s world, no job is perfect. A job may look any lucrative, but it does have some elements, which one may not like to have.

But, you can not do anything about it.

At 3:30 evening, I was coming back from my duty place in Kanpur. I was in a hurry to reach back to my family. Nearby My duty place, there is a job recruitment centre for IAF. I needed to slow down my car as candidates, in large numbers, were coming out, which made the traffic congested. I had no choice left but to have some patience to have almost zero speed for my car.

I observed the faces of many candidates. All looked so anxious and worried. They did not know as what they will do next to have a decent job. I saw their parents and guardians too, in the same body language.

I RE-LIVED the same scene of mine 15 years ago. I was outside the gate of a recruiting agency, but had come out successful in my job test, in my first attempt itself. Many related scenes flashed back in a sequence.

I pondered, `Today I have few complaints about my present job and at times, I feel that I could have been in a better job``.

But, again, I thought that had I not been selected in my present job 15 years ago, could I have complained about my job, the same way?

Certainly Not.

I feel that ups and down in a job is part of ANY job on earth. When we feel low at times, please do RE-LIVE the `selection moment` and draw those initial days feeling again.

You will feel much better and do better for your present job.

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