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Safal Agarwal @safalagarwal MouthShut Verified Member
Member Since: Apr 19, 2017
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Education: B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering
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Safal Agarwal @safalagarwal
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Car Dealers Online Shopping Internet Service Providers Ecommerce and Online Business Miscellaneous Beverages Biscuits Tips on Beverages Irons Room Heaters BPO and KPO Companies Apps & Games Engineering Companies Tips on Health Care Tips on Ecommerce and Online Business Consulting Companies Softwares Historical Places Banks Airlines Mobile Phones Hospitals and Clinics Museums and Galleries Religious Places Malls Sights and Landmarks Shampoos Oral Care Hindi Movies Apparels Movie Personalities Tips on Books Books Title Tourist Places Diagnostic Labs Restaurants Insurance Companies Petrochemicals Companies Engineering Colleges Mobile Operators Bikes National Parks and Sanctuaries Real Estate Companies Fans Refrigerators Water Heaters Soaps DTH Operators Taxi Services
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Reviewed Mahindra First Choice - Noida
No Proper documentaion, no support for RC Transfe
Buying the car from Mahindra First Choice was such a terrible and horrible experience which I am not going to forget throughout lifetime. I suggest you t...Read more
Reviewed Gotygot
Breach of trust and no response to customer
I bought a Tripod of this Tygot company on Amazon on the 26th October, 2023. I have attached the invoice, so that you can be sure that I am writing a genuin...Read more
Reviewed Airtel Xstream Fiber Broadband
Nice customer support
Nice customer support. Recently one of my payment got credited back to my bank account after few days. They waived off all the late payment charges on my re...Read more
Reviewed Instagram
A great place to showcase your talent
Many of us wanted to be singer, dancer or actor since our childhood. But they were always afraid of going Mumbai and try their luck in Bollywood. Because th...Read more
Reviewed Lays Potato Chips
American chees n onion is the best
Though there are many flavors in Lays chips. But the tastiest is the American Cheese n Onion. It gives you the flavor of both the cheese and the onion. I...Read more
Reviewed Frooti
Better then soda cooldrinks
I have been drinking Frooti since my childhood. I always preferred Frooti over carbonated Cold Drinks. Its Mango flavor taste is so good. It tastes bette...Read more
Reviewed Parle G Biscuits
Cheap and Best
Parle-G is the oldest brand of the Biscuit available in India. I remember my childhood days, even then also we used to it. A great population of India has c...Read more
Reviewed Maggi Noodles
Its masala is addective
I have been eating Maggi since my childhood. Still I am not bored of Maggi. Reason is its Masala. The flavor and taste of the masala is something to die for...Read more
Reviewed Tips on Buying a Wine
Beware of Duplicate liquor
In India corruption is everywhere, so how can liquor business be away from that. If you like to consume expensive Liquor. Please beware! In India it i...Read more
Reviewed Quitting Alcohol
Use the power of habit
If you want to quit alcohol forever, you are reading right content. I know, how bad can alcoholism be, as I myself suffered with it for a long time. T...Read more
Reviewed Vat 69 Scotch
Great taste and smoothness
I tried Vat 69 in the Month of May, 2022. It is a Blended Scotch Whisky. It contains Imported Scotch, Whisky(Grain, Malt), Demineralized Water and Permit...Read more
Reviewed Antiquity
Value for Money
I tried Antiquity Whisky in in May, 2022. The MRP on the bottle at the time of purchase was Rs.240. The Alcohol content in Antiquity like any other Whisk...Read more
Reviewed Blender's Pride
Nothing to Pride about!
I heard a lot about Blenders Pride. That, this is the most sold brand in this price range. So, I thought to try in the Month of May, 2022.Let us first talk ...Read more
Reviewed Royal Challenge - Spirits
Not a challenge to accept!
I consumed Royal Challenge Whisky in the Month of May, 2022. I bought a 180 ml bottle, MRP for which was Rs.170 at that time. And the Wine Shop charged m...Read more
Reviewed Royal Stag
Not a Royal Stag!
Hi Friends, I consumed Royal Stag in the month of April, 2022. The MRP of the 180ml bottle was Rs.170 at the time of purchase. And Wine shop sold to me f...Read more
Reviewed Bajaj Iron DX 7 L/W
Value for money
I bought Bajaj Iron DX 7 on 6 December 2016 for Rs.569 from So now it's more than five years, I have been using this product. Currently it is ava...Read more
Reviewed Bajaj Flashy Radiant Room Heater
I have bought Bajaj Flashy Radiant Room Heater two times. First time I bought it on the 11th of December, 2017 and second time I bought it on the 18th of De...Read more
Reviewed Tech Mahindra Ltd (Bpo)
Senseless Hiring and Firing Procedure
Hello Friends, In this article I am going the review the Tech Mahindra Ltd(BPO). This review is based on my personal experience while working for Tech Ma...Read more
Reviewed Google Adwords
Good tool to promote your business
A good tool to promote your business. It is really a value for money. It will give you the right customers. ...Read more
Reviewed Rupee4Click
Waste of time
Should you work for Rupee4click? No! Why? They promise to pay you once you earn at least Rs.5000. They give you different tasks as below to earn mo...Read more
Reviewed Elpro International School - Pune
Really bad school
Our experience with Elpro International School has been nothing short of disappointing. The teachers display extremely rude and unprofessional behavior, whi...Read more
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