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~~ Rule Makers and Breakers ~~

By: astrofreak1234 | Posted Sep 30, 2011 | Storytime | 1184 Views

My sister always tried to inculcate knowledge, values and morals in me by telling me stories since I was a small child. I am sharing yet another story told by her.

Nawab Mir Saheb lived in a small Principality in Northern India. Mir Saheb was a connoisseur of art and poetry. He was well liked by all and was invited to almost all the functions that were held in and around his Principality.

One day he received an invitation to an important function which would be attended by the dignitaries from the whole country. He took stock of his wardrobe and felt that he didn’t have anything suitable for the occasion. The Nawab summoned his regular tailor immediately but he received the message that the tailor had gone visiting his relatives and he wouldn’t be back before a month. So a search started for another tailor but there wasn’t a tailor of that caliber available. There wasn’t much time left, so a meeting of the Courtiers was called to discuss the problem. One Courtier knew a tailor who sewed extremely good clothes but was reputed to steal the clothing material.

After much discussion it was decided that the tailor will be told to stitch the clothes in the Palace itself. The tailor came happily as he knew that Nawab was a generous person, the required length of fine silk material was given to him. The tailor sat there the whole day barely moving away from his seat, he finished his stitching job by evening, collected his remuneration as well as a reward for stitching it well and in time.

The Nawab was very happy with the outcome and immediately wanted to try the new clothes. His valet helped him put on his clothes but neither of them were successful as the clothes were too tight, the Nawab just couldn’t fit into them. Nawab thought how could that be possible, appropriate length of material was provided, the tailor had not ventured out of the room during the day nor did he take anything except his sewing paraphernalia with him before leaving the Palace. There wasn’t any material left except for few scraps. One of the smart servant started recalled something and started laughing uncontrollably at the ingenuity of the tailor. The servant had observed that the tailor’s son had come several times during the previous hour and disturbed him by asking several questions, the tailor in his irritation threw his shoes at him, the boy quickly picked up the shoes and ran away. The material had been cleverly hidden in the shoes and thrown at the boy who stood out of the room not in direct sight of anyone inside the room.

Corruption always follows greed, I have seen much written about corruption in past few weeks but no rule can prevent it fully. If new rules are made then people will find new ways to break them, the only way to stop corruption is to stop giving and accepting bribes. No government in the world can stop corruption unless an individual takes upon himself to stop it.

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Sep 30, 2011 05:45 PM

Lovely Post Di..:)


Sep 30, 2011 05:53 PM

One of the best example to explain the effects of corruption. You are very right that we will always find a new way for doing corruption.

No one can stop us....not even the harshest law our rule. Our self conscience can only remove this menace.

Loved that you shared it here. Wese bhi aap aajkal kam hi likhti hain.
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Sep 30, 2011 05:54 PM (Updated Sep 30, 2011 05:59 PM)

Hey Vanita! Thanks for liking it :)


Sep 30, 2011 05:58 PM

Unfortunately conscience of many people is dead or on death-bed nowadays. I have always seen that law breakers find ways to break laws faster than the time taken to make laws.

Amiqu, I will be busy for few more weeks then I will try to write more often. :)
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Sep 30, 2011 06:40 PM (Updated Sep 30, 2011 06:41 PM)

Very nice story. Corruption will thrive always, very difficult to do anything unless the fear of the law is put into people.

I am reminded of an Akbar-Birbal story, where Akbar says that corrupt person can reform and Birbal says no. So Akbar send a corrupt person to the sea side and asks him to count the number of waves and challenges Birbal that no one can be corrupt in doing such a job. Akbar and Birbal then come in disguise and talk to the corrupt official. He gets angry that they disturbed him and threatens to send them to jail. When they plead with him, he tells them to give a bribe and then he will let them free. Birbal then makes the point to Akbar that a corrupted individual will always find some way to continue his bad ways.

Your point about individual deciding to stop it is a good one. But, unfortunately, its not so easy. Strict laws and stricter enforcement is necessary to stop it. If corrupt people are quickly sent to jail and not allowed to escape, then others will get scared and this will motivate them to give up a corrupt life.

Thanks Tannadi for sharing this thought provoking post.
What about our bakra session? When can we resume??
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Sep 30, 2011 09:44 PM

I believe that just like charity, corruption control starts at home. When we resort to corruption in our lives on a daily basis, we cant expect that the government would rid us of it. Your story proves it all. Any attempt at control will always result in ways to defy the control just like any new spray for mosquitoes will only lead to they developing resistant strains of DNA.

Would also request you to host Deepak in the last (bonus) show of MSian. Many are baying for his blood, Pun mate included :-P
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Oct 01, 2011 08:28 AM

post, Tanna Di. Well, i dont know, whether it can be done. IT is so deep rooted, we bribe gods, we even bribe our kids. We somewhere inculcate and nurture it from beginning, and then to uproot it, i guess, not possible. It at times, seems like a rescue, an easy resort, a shortcut - and who doesnt like that.

Wake up people.

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Oct 01, 2011 01:25 PM (Updated Oct 01, 2011 01:27 PM)

Its shows that corruption was well trenched into Indians from long time...

And to Wish it to go away by Lokpal or Jokepal is wishful thinking Unless drastic changes take place in the mindsets of people.

Nice Enlightening story on Corruption.
Thank You for Sharing it.

BTW Is Anna the Nawab Here? or the People of this country. And The Tailor? The Politicians? Too many Questions...
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Oct 01, 2011 01:34 PM

Laws never stops anyone from committing crimes. I recall another Akbar-Birbal story. An artist was prevented entry by the sentry to the Emperor's court unless he promised to share half of his reward. As a reward he asked for 50 lashes and he requested that 25 lashes be given to the sentry..

Unfortunately in our land people have high reach, they will be out of jail as soon as the controversy settles down and these offenders live a luxurious life in jail too..

Lets see if it is possible to resume the session after 10th Oct, in between I may be out of station too...
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Oct 01, 2011 01:43 PM

The biggest tragedy in India is that we ourselves don't want to do anything but expect the government to bow down to all our whims and fancies...

People will hide into every crevice available(i know I am exaggerating;-P ) when it the time to do their duty but will surface when it is the time to declare their rights.

It is extremely difficult to rid of this lifelong habit in a short time..

Lets see if it is possible after 10th Oct to resume the MHH series ...
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Oct 01, 2011 01:51 PM

Somewhere down the line, we ourselves are responsible for corruption yet we point fingers at others. It has been imbibed too much in our life, wherever we go, it follows us like a shadow.

It is difficult but not impossible to root out corruption, it may not get eradicated to the full extent but we can always bring down the levels...
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Oct 01, 2011 01:58 PM (Updated Oct 01, 2011 01:59 PM)

Mere rules that are rarely applied can’t help in reducing corruption. When one is formed people will find ten different ways to break it. Rules are formed in arithmetic progression while ways to break them exist in geometric progression.

You are smart enough to understand the various roles, don’t make me spell them out :P

I am never afraid of questions --- I can ask loads of them
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Oct 01, 2011 06:48 PM

U wont believe! Just yesterday, my grandmom told me this story!!



Oct 01, 2011 08:25 PM

These stories are nothing but wisdom of our elders, it is better to teach values in form of stories rather than lecturing about them.

Ask her to tell you more stories and post them as DPs :)
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Oct 03, 2011 02:30 PM

Indeed the story narrated to you by your sister (and narrated to us by our sister!) is a fine one.But it is the analogy that you develop here regarding the scourge of corruption is what is very striking and very apt.

BTW, the manner in which the kleptomaniac tailor sends across the dress material reminds me of the movie 'Jewel Thief': Dev Anand uses a similar tactic to let his policeman father know about his plan to nab the culprit.
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Oct 03, 2011 06:00 PM

I wanted to post this long back but then MS was flooded with posts on corruption and this lovely story would have met a similiar death getting drowned :P

Now that you mentioned I can connect it to Jewel Thief..

I am pleased to know that without realising I have been doing with you all what my sister did to me. I just hope that people learn through this and other stories that I have already posted or will post in future.

I hope your Wisdom is not troubling you any more...Your appearence made my day...Thanks :)
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