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~ Is it easy to give up ~

By: astrofreak1234 | Posted Jul 02, 2010 | Storytime | 1361 Views

Once in a small town there lived a boy named Pappu who was very fond of eating jaggery, he used eat jaggery whenever he could lay his hand on it. Eating too much of jaggery started causing him health problems (jaggery contains lot of iron which is bad for stomach).

No amount of cajoling or punishment could relieve him of this habit.

Then one fine day a neighbour heard of a Mahatma who had come to the ashram in a neighbouring town. So the neighbour told the boy’s parents about the Mahatma and they went to visit him. The Mahatma heard their problem and asked them to come after two weeks.

After two weeks the boy’s parents took him to the Mahatma where he asked the child to sit beside him. He explained to him that he must not eat too much of jaggery as it will cause him problems and anything should be eaten in limit. The boy heard the Mahatma and promised not to eat too much of jaggery.

The boy’s parents got angry with the Mahatma and told him he could have said this to the boy two weeks back and it would have saved them a journey. The Mahatma replied that he too was very fond of eating jaggery, so how could he tell the boy not to eat it. It took him two weeks to relieve the habit of eating jaggery that is why he called them later.. The underlying message of the story is…… let me hear it from you.

This is one of my very old DPs, I came across it while browsing my old DPs..

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