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Excessive Public display of affection and show off on Facebook..

By: nimisha23377 | Posted Sep 24, 2012 | General | 1413 Views | (Updated Sep 24, 2012 08:28 PM)

@emptor @cyrilsunil @desprado @javeedahmedm @paulsb02 @vinod_1512@vv_85 @angel_babe55 @reemasolanki @avishek82@rup_007 @vijaymb @ajay_1977 @cindy @shruti2708 @confusedsoul@sandeepkanchi @farhashaheen @aditiavalkar @anshumanmaini@ajeet15 @khulamunh @sweets_desire @derebali2008 @maaz_nawaz@jains24 @dil5n @cindy @amiqu @suraaz @geeta1963 @fenil_seta @jmathur@chalojai @desprado@sumitesh @vaibhavi990 @tituhkp@rajesh.sinha @rashmi.sinha @mayank1509 @shruti2708@sweetsonam_90 @bebylon @gruchirg @desi_gurl @namrata98 @makskhans @digimaniacs@siddhartth @sg21 @aydeeks @dinesh10 @jmuskaan

Hi Friends,

Penning down my thoughts and observation about the increasing Public display of affection (PDA) photos on sites like Facebook.

I have wriiten review on FB on MS..but here would like to highlight about the PDA..

You open FB and are being hammered by couples cuddling, kissing, holding each other n wat not..

Ok people are newly married or committed or so much in love..fine..but whats the need to keep posting such pictures with excessive public display of affection..

Most irritating are those who are supposedly very traditional girls and guys from conservative families..

First you get to see pictures of all the details of their engagement, wedding , sangeet etc all the most traditional attire..covered head to toe

Then once after marriage..the newly weds will be in the shortest of clothes..(wudnt describe more)

Yes I do agree that all have freedom to choose what to wear…but when you see 360 degree change from most traditional one to such westernized ones..seems weird to me.. and if they live abroad after marriage then all the above is multiplied N times..

Looks like hypocrisy..

Pics of honeymoon and all...

But this doesn’t stop here..they keep posting such PDA pics for months n probably years..!!

For each weekend outing or even time spent at home..couples keep posting their pics on FB..

Another thing is status updates of these kind of people..

*They are married staying together..but they talk to each other thru FB updates!! This is height .. !!!

Statuses like :

Love u my sweetheart..thanx for the wonderful gift..i am sooo u sooooo much..muah..

My darling made rotis for me u honey..*

And many others of the same tone..

I mean come on..cant they express their love to each other in person..why to post such “personal” stuff on FB..

*Just a way of attention seeking , show off to people how much they are in love and a try to seek attention..

I wonder how most of the people have stopped keep their sweet personal things private..*

*I really rRajeev_Vermact those few people who still have maintained their private life and not made personal things public on the internet..

Social networking is to keep in touch with old and new friends..not just a place to show off everything you have or do ..*

Friends this is my point of view..

Please share your views..

Thanks for reading..

Take care.

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