Each year World Environment Day is hosted by a different country and this year the host is Brazil and the theme is Green Economy: Does it include you? Eco-Friendly Tips – I really hope that everyone that reads this makes an effort to apply at least a few of these: 1.Bike, use public transit, carpool to work, drive slower, keep your tires inflated One-third of all traffic is commuters. Use alternative transportation when possible. If you must drive, go slower with proper tire inflation. It saves both fuel and tires, and lowers emissions. It also saves lives. 2.Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Compost Reusing packaging material saves more energy than recycling. By avoiding extra packaging, you save both energy and landfill space. Yard and kitchen waste (leaves/grass/vegetable scraps) are 30% of trash. Reduce this amount by composting. Also be sure to re-use plastic bags, or better yet… refuse plastic bags when you really don’t need them. 3.Conserve water Don’t let faucets run. Never water your lawn at midday. Place a brick in old toilets. Take low flow short showers. Run the dishwasher only when it is full. Let grass grow longer. Plant native or drought-tolerant garden plants. 4.Quit smoking Second-hand smoke is a major indoor air pollutant and health hazard. When you quit, both you and your family will lead longer and healthier lives. 5.Don’t use pesticides/herbicides on your lawn Along with nitrogen fertilizer runoff, these are major water pollutants.
- Give saplings as gifts to dear ones 7.Plant trees. 8.Lower your thermostat in the winter. Raise it in the summer Wearing a sweater in the winter and short sleeves in the summer saves energy and reduces pollution. 9.Dispose of old paint, chemicals, and oil properly Don’t put batteries, antifreeze, paint, motor oil, or chemicals in the trash. Use proper toxics disposal sites. Never buy more than you need. 10.Consider the environmental costs of major decisions and purchases When relocating or changing jobs try to live close to work. Compare efficiency when purchasing new cars or appliances. Buy fewer things. Choose products with lower energy inputs. 11.Volunteer/Lobby for the Environment Work locally and globally to save natural places, reduce urban sprawl, lower pollution and prevent the destruction of wilderness areas for timber and oil. 12.Plant a tree with a child Take a walk in the woods, or plant trees which store CO2. Teaching our children to love and care for the planet is the most important thing we can do to insure the future of humankind. Please share it ur freinds n family.. Together we can save our Earth..