You see, I have been losing sleep again. I am no useless nocturnal criminal, (quite the contrary, I believe that the world needs its share of insomniacs who keep the thought process of the world alive when the blissfully ignorant rest of the world sleeps!) it’s just that my body clock has a mind of its own and sleep eludes me at the slightest pretext. (And needless to say I seek refuse in the black and white world of words..). Lately I have been thinking about life and times on MS (wow, what a groundbreaking discovery!!) For me the initial euphoria of being accepted with open arms by the stalwarts is yet to fade. I am no more a nobody here and gone are the days when I used to send gifts to myself to feel good! :-) In fact I am getting all sorts of ideas! My mind is at work over time and the flame of hope never burnt brighter. The other day, I got an M2M from a member asking ‘what do you do’ with the subject ‘profession’ and my hope-prone heart leaped thinking this is the much awaited opportunity of my life! Here finally, is a literary agent of some sort wanting to sign me up for something good and big! (What with good old ‘EM’ of compulsive confessor fame getting her first break thus? Why not me then?) But high hopes I tell you. All I have so far in my virtual life at the MS ground is a brand new TC and some gifts, (ok, some brilliant comments as well). You think that’s a lot? Well, I suppose it is!! (Greed, as you will come to realize soon is one of my biggest vices!) Lets move on then..
Speaking of my mind being all full lately, normally I am not one to pinch ideas. And since the last few days I have been thinking of starting a thread on the now familiar DP grounds. It should go like this
Contest for complimenting the most potential MSian that goes by the name wiredforsound (I am sure there is one word to describe ppl who like to see their own name in print (etymologist, anyone?)
Or like - how much time in a day you spend on MS (I am my own boss here, but guys, I will expect you to be careful about the lurking colleagues and bosses behind your back!)
Or like – (OK let’s save something for the next time?)
Boy, this place redefines addiction!! I am on a kind of MSonal overdose! (I might as well change the name of the post!) And love as I do being a part of this wordy elite, I harbor great fears as well; the scariest of them being labeled as a framed stereotype. With all my pseudo tongue in cheek style of writing, when I finally come up with something wonderful, (serious intellectual stuff) you might accuse me of pinching lines! How do I live with that then? The other fear is what if my stream of creativity just dries up one day? How do I handle that death? I see fellow MSians spinning delightful DPs after DPs without a care in the world. Why am I not one of them? Why why why? But wait, no, not now. I don’t have to get into this self reproach mode now!! Not when I am on an MSonal overdrive!! As we do live in moments, I am happy that this is my moment and that’s what counts. With this positive note, my fellow MSians, I rest my case. Peace be upon you!!