<b> Lessons Mouthshut has taught me…
You don’t rate reviews you rate authors:</b> An established member (especially if its your friend) can get away with anything in his/her review…personal attacks, assumptions, and wrong category…but if you are new around here…I am sorry my sympathies are with you.
<b> Freedom of expression:</b> When it comes to me I can write what ever I feel after all it is freedom of expression, but when you comment on me at best freedom of expression means agree with me…or else
<b>What I believe:</b>
There aren’t many things in this world that are in pure black or white… attempts to brand something as perfect or imperfect are wasteful exercises… As a critic my role should be to view just the subject in its entirety… nothing more nothing less. Just because a subject does not impress me, I should not search for reasons (if not in the subject then in something that’s remotely connected to it) to devalue it…As far as possible reviews should not be generalizations on people, class, creed or race…at any level it should not become an attack on an individual’s personal attributes, especially if the individual is not in a position to refute it…While voluntarily getting into the role of a critic in public gaze and taking pleasure out of tearing apart products services and personalities, I should be fully prepared to be critiqued by others…Critic is dispassionate, unattached and impartial… <b>I am not there yet…but I am working hard at it…</b>
Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most fools do. <b>Dale Carnegie</b>
How much easier it is to be critical than to be correct. <b>Benjamin Disraeli </b>
To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.<b>Elbert Hubbard</b>
All about Myself on MS</b>
I joined Ms on 14th February thats probably why I am in love with it.
I love to write, read and meet new people. Why should I look beyond MS.
<b>Members I respect : </b> eyesopen, Madlalya, meleahk1,
spookaay, angel009, pooj, ranjran, niraj_singh4, sujay_marthi, abababbey, Missy32, premjit, nathan, , vivekbp, arunpv, disskonnect, ganeshb, rjois
<b>All about me:</b>
I am very happily married to my best friend, philosopher and guide ...and together we have one sweeeet lil daughter Rhea who turned four years old on the 20th of April 2005.
I know a lot of good human beings and am fortunate to have a few of them as my friends. I believe in God. I also believe in Science. I believe it’s possible that both can co-exist. . <b> Thats me with my daughter Rhea, though an old picture, its one of my fav.''
5th June 2005
''Opinions are NOT like navels, most people have atleast a couple of them'' - thats an original </b>
Some quotes (taken from the net that describes me the best)
<b>''When I am good I am very, very good, but when I am bad, I'm better.''
“If I had to live my life again, I'd make the same mistakes, only sooner.”<b>