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Abbey Scheer @abababbey
Member Since: May 10, 2001
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Education: The school of hard knocks and broken dreams.
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Tips on Grocery Items Tips on Health Care TV Shows Tips on Ecommerce and Online Business Cheese and Butter Tips on Apparels Hollywood Movies Books Title Foreign Destinations Soaps Miscellaneous Ecommerce and Online Business Tips on Health Tips on Kitchen Appliances Tips on Hollywood Movies Softwares Printers Mobile Operators Mobile Phones Tips on Foreign Destination Washing Machines Magazines Restaurants Face Wash and Scrubs Banks Tips on Communication Skin Care Creams Search Websites Beverages Tips on ISP Tips on Amusement Park Biscuits Tips on Gifts Tips on Restaurants Online Shopping Tips on Transport Doctors Tips on Players and Athletes Tips on Cars and SUVs Sauces Fragrances Tips on Beverages Tips on Online Shopping Online Shopping Hair Oils International Music Microwave Ovens Tips on Doctors TV - Cable Channels Indoor Games Tips on Malls Tips On Utilities Shoes General Career Advice Tips on Party Etiquettes Malls Tips on Non - Kitchen Appliances Tips on Stores Tips on TV Serials - By Channels Credit Cards Tips on Credit Cards Hair Stylings Trains and Railways Shampoos Tips on Skin and Body Care Eye Shadow Tips on FastFood Tips on Hotels Airports Tips on Tourist Attractions Radio Station Apparels Razors Tips on Makeup Tips on Hospitals Internet Service Providers Cars and SUVs Desktops Watches Washing Items
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Reviewed Tips on Cooking food
Always cook with LOVE!
I thought I'd share a few cooking tips with you all. From my cooking experiences I've always found that when you cook, the main ingredient should always ...Read more
Reviewed Dealing with Natural Disasters
2nd UPDATE Jeanne missed us here in south florida by about 50 miles(thank goodness) all we got was a LOT of rain and winds of about 50-60 MPH. No major d...Read more
Reviewed While You Were Out
S U R P R I S E !!!!
While You Were Out is another winner TV show on the learning channel. In the format of Trading Spaces, While You Were Out, has a group of designers and c...Read more
Reviewed Tips on How to Control Anger
Self Control !!!!!!
Ah, a lot easier said than done.  Anger is such a dangerous emotion.  If we could harness all the anger in the world and use it for fuel, we'd never have a ...Read more
Reviewed Fear Factor - TV Serial AXN TV Channel
I couldn't do it for a million dollars!
Stare fear in the face for $ 50,000.00! Fear may come in the way of walking a tightrope stretched between two 10 story buildings...Jumping from one movin...Read more
Reviewed Five Worst Reviewers on MouthShut
Horrible Topic!
This review will be quite short. I will not and can not name names of The worst reviewers on Mouth Shut! I was appalled when I returned to this site a...Read more
Reviewed Trading Spaces
I'll do yours if you do mine!
Hi all! After a long absence I'm back! What do you get when you add, 2 couples, 2 rooms, 2 designers, 2 days, 1 carpenter and $1000.00? Give up? You get ...Read more
Reviewed Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese
Yummy for the tummy!!
MM MMMM good! Kraft philadelphia cream cheese. I just love it! Not only is it simply delicious, but it is also so versatile. Philly (which is what ...Read more
Reviewed Tips on Wardrobe OverHauling
Overhaul for little or no money!
I can't tell you how to overhaul your wardrobe, but I can tell you how I do mine and it might help you! First of all, keep your clothes closet and drawer...Read more
Reviewed Planet Of The Apes Movie
The Original**1968 Version
The year was 1968 and unbelievable as it seems, a new idea for a movie actually came to fruition. ''Planet of the Apes'' Starring, Charlton Heston as Geo...Read more
Reviewed Time Machine, The - H G Wells
It could happen!
Written back in the late 1800's, H.G. Wells tells a very cut and dry story of a professor, a dreamer, who builds a machine to travel in time. This profes...Read more
Reviewed Carribean - General
Come Wit Me Mon..............
I know I've written about the Bahamas before, but I just thought I'd have to write again about my trip last week. Andros Island was our first stop this t...Read more
Reviewed Dial Tropical Escape
Tropical Delight
I have used Irish Spring bar soap for many years. I loved the clean feeling that soap gave me.....until I discovered Dial, Tropical Escape ,antibacterial ,d...Read more
Reviewed Top Ramen Noodles
Another name...Same product!!
Here in the U.S., the same product is called Smack Ramen Noodles. It is manufactured by the Union Foods company, out of Irvine California, U.S.A. Here we...Read more
Reviewed Littlegolem
Gotta Go..Golem Calls!
I've got 60 some odd games going on right now with as many people!!! What a great new site I've found. It's called Little It opens up to th...Read more
Reviewed Dealing with Sleeplessness
Sleeplessness.toss and turn.doze for 15 minutes.awake again.make the house windows.close the windows.warm milk(YUK).warm bath.caffeine fr...Read more
Reviewed Tips while using a Pressure Cooker
K A A B O O O M !!!!
Don't let the title of this review happen to you! Using a pressure cooker is easy, once you learn the correct way to do it. Foods come out tender and jui...Read more
Reviewed Five Best Hollywood Actors
So Hard To Choose !
What a hard category. There are so many wonderful actors to choose from. I will try to let you know a little about some of my favorites. Let me begin wit...Read more
Reviewed AOL Chat
AOL 8.0..Isn't worth the installation time
AOL 8.0! WOW! I couldn't wait for the newest upgrade of AOL. The very first day it was out, I downloaded it. It took 5 hours, but I got it done. I was re...Read more
Reviewed Itsyourturn
OOOOO The Games People Play...
It's Your! is my newest find on the internet for playing games...And it's great! You actually play against other people from all over the world....Read more
Reviewed Zoom Cars
Pathetic experience with Zoomcar
Hi, Like many other people, I came to know about Zoomcar which lets you host their car on rental. I had heard about Zoomcar before and thought it’s a kno...Read more
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