I love a lot of words in the English language.. some for what they mean (words like serendipity, beauty, class, intelligentsia etc) and some for how wonderfully I feel when I pronounce them (blue, India, fantastic, amazing etc)
The desperate search for happiness, goodness, greatness, love, friendship, values, wealth, identity, fame, security, meaningful life and literally anything or any combination of all these multiple admirable qualities is a stunning, categorical proof of its lack.
It simply amazes me how people assume they know me and categorize me however they want to see me. I am quite sure it amazes others when they think I have assumed something and categorized them however I want to see them. The very functionality of perception, assumption and thought processing is an interesting, complex phenomenon.
Whatever anybody might say, philosophize, intellectualize and conceptualize about life and of the various things in it or about it, god-damn honest truth is that nobody knows what is life all about. Its been centuries upon centuries that humans have tried to understand about life and intellectuals, scientists and thinkers have come and gone and we still wonder at life's surprises the way I presume humans in stone age used to wonder. Live your life however you want to and do whatever you want to do without any inhibitions. Thinking of the bigger picture, our solar system is just a dot in the universe and you, a downright insignificancy. There is another way to look at the same thing and say that everything that is there (including the universe and the so called God) is only because of YOU and your thinking mind.
Yes, its true that everything that happens, happens for the good. For God's sake, not specifically your/our/my good. Sometimes things happen and manifests the way it does for the overall good of the universe and life in general. An accident or an illness to you means the need and survival of doctor's profession, your love not being understood and reciprocated similarly by another person means the happiness of that other person, once a close friend who is no more close to you means the prosperity of his/her living amongst newer, or even better friends, you getting rejected in a job interview is for the good of the high standards of the company that rejected you, a firm reporting losses is good for its competitors, a miscreant being jailed is good for the peace of the society, a death of a close family member is a natural call of life and so on and so forth. There are many times when we have to overlook at our sense of selfishness and think beyond the usual question 'what is in it for me?'