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Wendy Thorne @who_i_am
Member Since: Apr 19, 2001
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Education: Grade 10
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International Music Softwares Tips on Health Books Title Tips on Restaurants Drama - Theatre - Plays Tips on Credit Cards Tips on Kitchen Appliances Foreign Destinations Ecommerce and Online Business Hollywood Movies Tips on Skin and Body Care Washing Machines Cooking Oils and Ghee Beverages Soaps Shoes
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Reviewed Tea for the Tillerman - Cat Stevens
A Story about a Cat and a Boat
A Story about a Cat and a Boat yet, no boats were seen. Cat Stevens is not only a singer, but also a songwriter. The song is called ''Longer Boats'' a...Read more
Reviewed Arrivae
Worse Company and Worst Customer Service!
Before you decide to hire Arrivae as your interior designers, please take a moment to read about our experience—it has been nothing short of traumatic, and ...Read more
Reviewed Naviscope 8.69
I have read a few articles dealing with the pop up advertisements on various sites and I have to admit I hate them too. So on that note, I'd like to offer a...Read more
Reviewed Choosing Health food
If You Can't Beat 'em, Change Their Diet
If You Can't Beat'em, Change Their Diet not a literal beating, but you knew that, right? All in a day's work includes the big job of being a mother. T...Read more
Reviewed Papa, My Father - Leo Buscaglia
EVERYONE HAS A FATHER PAPA MY FATHER-a celebration of dads -by Leo Buscaglia. In the introduction of this book, it had an interesting story of a te...Read more
Reviewed Food Etiquettes at a Restauarant
Children are Patrons Too !
Many, many years were spent as a Day-care Worker, but I was also a part-time waitress by night. When I think about it they really were hand-in-hand when it ...Read more
Reviewed Cats
Loose CATS in the House!
Loose Cats in the House! Cats Music composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber based on Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats by T S Eliot I love the theatre...Read more
Reviewed Debit Vs. Credit Cards
Did you really get that on SALE?
Debit card vs. Credit card Each have their place, each have useful roles, the difference being how they are used or abused. Pros and Cons of a Debit C...Read more
Reviewed Bolts of Melody : New Poems of Emily Dickinson - Emily Dickinson
A Truly Great Poet
Bolts of Melody New Poems of Emily Dickinson Edited by Mabel Looms Todd and Millicent Todd Bingham Originally published in 1945. Emily Dickinson's ...Read more
Reviewed Choosing a Microwave Oven
Hot food in Minutes!
Microwave ovens can be found in virtually every home these days, ranging in size from compact (700 watts or less) to full-size (1100 watts). You can purchas...Read more
Reviewed Quebec
The French side of Canada
While its true Quebec is one of the 10 provinces of Canada, it has long since fought for it's independence. It thrives on its separatist way of thinking. Ye...Read more
Reviewed Foodtv
What was in that Recipe?
I first came across while watching a Canadian television cooking program. The website was aired on the show. I thought I would check it out but h...Read more
Reviewed Armageddon -Hollywood
Houston we have a problem...Call in the misfits!
Armageddon Directed by: Michael Bay Rated: PG-13 Running time: 144 minutes Houston we have a problem, call in the misfits! Interesting who ma...Read more
Reviewed Best of Rick Tippe - Rick Tippe
Today's a gift... THE PRESENT
Song Review: Cancer Awareness Month (Breast Cancer) is October (NBCAM ) but breast cancer is not the only cancer around, nor is it the only one with a succe...Read more
Reviewed So Far... - Kelsey Grammer
Happy Painting of Life!
The book is SO FAR written by Kelsey Grammer ''Ordinary human unhappiness is life in it's natural color; nothing to cavil of'' W. H. Auden I ...Read more
Reviewed Overall Hair Maintenance
I HATE GRAY...So what's a girl to do?
The changing of our hair shade, whether to enhance our natural shade, to change it completely or simply to remove the aging process(namely gray hair), is do...Read more
Reviewed Evita - Hollywood Movie
Madonna with an Elegant Twist
Cast Eva Peron: Madonna Che: Antonio Banderas Juan Peron: Jonathan Pryce Premiered in Dec 1996 and was directed by Alan Parker This movie ear...Read more
Reviewed Evita - Drama & Theatre / Plays
Rising to The Occasion !
The first stage production of Evita was on June 21st. 1978, in the Prince of Wales Theatre in England. It was a collaboration of Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim...Read more
Reviewed Whirlpool Super
Wash Day Already?
I am speaking of the Whirlpool Super-Capacity Full-sized Washer here (hope I have the right product category). Throughout my life, I have owned, a total ...Read more
Reviewed Canola Cooking Oil
Balanced thinking is needed here !
There seems to be a lot of controversy over the pros and cons of Canola Cooking Oil as to whether it is healthy or toxic. I'm no expert on the topic nor am ...Read more
Reviewed Folgers Coffee
The Best Part of Wakin' Up....
Their jingle: 'The best part of wakin' Folgers in your cup'' I first started drinking Folgers brewed coffee in the mid 70's when my parents moved...Read more
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