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Karan Singh @sd8708616528 MouthShut Verified Member
Member Since: Nov 18, 2018
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Karan Singh @sd8708616528
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Book Stores Inverters Online Shopping Stores Bikes Information Technology Companies Pens Coaching Classes Cement and Marble Companies BPO and KPO Companies State Board Schools Laptops and Notebooks Shoes Watches Cars and SUVs Mobile Phones Electric Cookers Printers Note Books Fragrances Air Purifiers Couriers Air Coolers Smart Watches Juicer Mixer Grinders Miscellaneous Digital Cameras Air Conditioners Refrigerators Washing Machines Televisions Oral Care Pest Control Restaurants Ecommerce and Online Business Water Purifiers Tubelights Bags Hindi Movies
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Reviewed Strand Book Stall - Fort - Mumbai
Strand book stall
Dear friends today i shall share my experience with you about strand book stall. Friends nearly 2 months ago i went to strand book stall and purchase some b...Read more
Reviewed Apollo Gleneagles Hospital - Kadapara - Kolkata
Apollo Gleneagles Hospital and Dr. Syamasis Bandy
Gross negligence and incompetence of Apollo Gleneagles Hospital and Dr. Syamasis Bandyopadhyay and his team led to the death of our Baba I am writing on ...Read more
Reviewed Su Kam Shiny 900Va 12V Pure Sine Wave Inverter
Su Kam Shiny 900Va 12V Pure Sine Wave Inverter
My dear friends today i shall share my experience with you about su kam shiny 900 va 12v pure sine wave inverter. Friends in the last summer i purchased thi...Read more
Reviewed Lady Baazar ,not a good option
Dear friends today i shall share my experience with you about lady Friends last month there was a marriage in our family so my sister purchased ...Read more
Reviewed Sen & Pandit Voltage Stabilizer
Sen & Pandit Voltage Stabilizer
Dear friends i shall share my experience with you about sen and pandit voltage stabilizer. Friends i have purchased that stabilizer about 1 month ago at a p...Read more
Reviewed Reliance Jewels - Mumbai
Reliance jewels store
Dear friends today i shall share my experience with you about reliance jewels store which is in mumbai. Friends i went to that store about 3 months ago to p...Read more
Reviewed Bajaj CT 100 ES
Bajaj CT 100 ES
My dear friends today i shall share my experience with you about bajaj ct 100 es bike . Friends i have buy that bike nearly 4 monts ago at price of 39000 ru...Read more
Reviewed Jaipur Gems and Jewels - Bangalore
Bad experience in jems shop
My dear friends today i shall share my experience with you about Jaipur jems and jevels shop. Friends nearly i week ago i went to that store for buying some...Read more
Reviewed Capgemini Consulting India Pvt Ltd
Capgemini consulting india pvt ltd
Dear friends today i shall share my experience with you about capgemini consulating india pvt ltd. Friends i try to work in this company at high package of ...Read more
Reviewed Lexi JET
Bad experience with lexi jet pen.
My dear friends today i shall share my experience with you about lexi jet pen. Friends last week i first time buy this pen at amount of 5 rupees. But friend...Read more
Reviewed Viva Books - Delhi
My dear friends today i shall share my experience with you about viva book store which is in Delhi. Friends last month i went to delhi for purchasing som...Read more
Reviewed Heavens Coaching Classes - Kandivali - Mumbai
Heavens Coaching Classes - Kandivali - Mumbai
Friends today's time is a time of competition . So every one wants to be successful. So in this way many students take coaching. Friends i also have been ta...Read more
Reviewed Amazon Development Centre India Pvt Ltd
Amazon Development Centre India Pvt Ltd
My dear friends today i shall tell you about job in amazon company. Friends this is a very big company which sell product online and ofline. Friends my brot...Read more
Reviewed Sriram Book Depot - Bhubaneswar
Shriram book depot
My dear friends today i shall share my experience with you about shri ram book depot. Friends i have pirchased books from that store about 2 months ago. Fri...Read more
Reviewed Utl Sun Pack 1025 Pure Sine Wave Inverter
Utl Sun Pack 1025 Pure Sine Wave Inverter
My dear friends today i shall share my experience with you about utl sun pack 1025 pure sine wave inverter. Friends i have purchased that inverter on 17 oct...Read more
Reviewed Laksh Learning Center - Navi Mumbai
Laksh Learning Center - Navi Mumbai
My dear friends today i shall share my experience with you about Laksh learning center. Friends i have been taking coaching in this center for competitive e...Read more
Reviewed Platinum Waltech
Platinum Plaster India Ltd
My dear friends today i shall share experience with you about platinum plaster india LTD. friends i have been working in this company for 1 I have ...Read more
Reviewed Midland Book Shop - Delhi
Midland bookshop experience
My dear friends i shall share my experience with you about midland bookshop. This shop situated in Delhi. You can purchase many categories books from that s...Read more
Reviewed Data Entry India
Data Entry India
My dear friends today i share my experience with you about data entry jobs in india. Friends dsta entry job is a very simple job. Anyone can do it. So the p...Read more
Reviewed Abhinav Vidyalaya ICSE - Mumbai
Abhinav Vidyalaya ICSE - Mumbai
Dear friends today i shall share my view with you about Abhinav Vidalaya ICSE school. Friends my friends Rohit has been studied in this school . But friends...Read more
Reviewed Saraswati Shishu Mandir - Vidisha
Saraswati Shishu Mandir - Vidisha
My dear friends today i shall share my experience with all of you about the saraswati shishu mandir store 's books. Friends i have purchased books from that...Read more
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