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David Brainard @davieboy MouthShut Verified Member
Member Since: Dec 11, 2002
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Education: B. Sc. computers
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David Brainard @davieboy
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Tips on Health Softwares Hollywood Movies Books Title Indian Regional Movies Pickles International Music Television Commercials Airlines Restaurants Fragrances Tips on Stores Tips on Health Care Mobile Phones Printers Tips on TV Serials - By Channels Tips on Music Ecommerce and Online Business Tips on Hindi Movies Tips on Personal Computer TV Serials - By Channels Tips on Gifts Malls Skin Care Creams Tips on Drama - Theatre - Plays Indian Music Studying in India Hindi Movies Outdoor Games Banks Hotels Foreign Destinations Tips on Ecommerce and Online Business Bikes Beverages General Career Advice Sports Teams Professional Courses Internet Service Providers
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Reviewed Dealing with Pregnancy
The future Daddy - Get ready or else
If this topic is pertaining to pregnancy- why can't men take the initiative, After all the expectant daddy's do have a role in this. A very important yet Vi...Read more
Reviewed The Diplomat
Best Political Thriller of Recent Times
As I saw the recent Bollywood release, The Diplomat, featuring John Abraham, I couldn't help but connect deeply with the story. Recently, the film industry ...Read more
Reviewed Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0
Windows to the new world of Information Computing
It was an age when the accessing the internet meant paying 200 bucks per hour at a cyber café on the other side of town. When I gave my email id to som...Read more
Reviewed Rush Hour 2 Movie
Second Hour of Rush
Usually good movies come with Sequel. Jaws had attached a string of sequels to it. Perhaps the shark wanted to bite more than he can chew. Does that stateme...Read more
Reviewed The Last Samurai
The way of the Samurai
What does it mean to be a Samurai? to utterly devote yourself to the principles, To obtain stillness of the mind. Begin your day by devoting yourself to per...Read more
Reviewed Rush Hour -Hollywood
Hour of Rush
So what does every cop movie in Hollywood tell you - there is a cop. He loves his job. He has an irate boss who disposes everything the good cop proposes. T...Read more
Reviewed I Moved Your Cheese - Darrel Bristow
A guide to being Lazy and moving the cheese
There are several reasons why I read Self help / self improvement books. Worse!!! They fascinate me. o I want to improve myself. I am too low on self est...Read more
Reviewed The Rundown
Welcome to the Jungle
Actions, as they say, speak louder than words. If you have seen Welcome to the Jungle or Rundown you may feel otherwise. This is one action movie where only...Read more
Reviewed Mudhalvan
The One-Day-Chief Minister
I am fascinated by people who do things out of impulse. I like to read stories about them, I love to see movie based on such characters. I myself at times (...Read more
Reviewed The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
People need not fear the unknown if they are capable of achieving what they need and want. Life really is generous to those who pursue their destiny. How...Read more
Reviewed Priya Pickles
Pickle - Thy name is Priya
Mr. Richard D'souza is a Mangy (Manglorian) from Udipi Karnataka. He fell in love with a Telugu girl named Lalitha Hope . That’s when trouble began. A...Read more
Reviewed Can't Hardly Wait
Cant Wait too long
How would you feel, when you know that the world is coming to an end and you got to do what you have to do, before it’s the end. Can't Hardly wait is ...Read more
Reviewed A Few Good Men
When Good Men are Few ....
We live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. You want me on that wall; you need me on that wall. We use words lik...Read more
Reviewed Age To Age - Amy Grant
Age to Age - Forever
I may not be every mother's dream for her little girl, And my face may not grace the mind of everyone in the world. But that's all right, as long as I...Read more
Reviewed Ottran
The Spy who barfed
Perhaps it was fate, perhaps it was bad luck. Arrey yaar kya karoon mera bad luck kharaab hai naa. Ok, Co incidence. Tiny such co incidences actually. Comin...Read more
Reviewed AirTel 'Express Yourself ' commercial
Expressions Completed
There are very few ads that have a minimum stress on audio visuals and maximum effect. To that effect that they touch your heart. One such ad I loved is the...Read more
Reviewed Air India
Sans Maharaja Treatment
With so many private Airlines foraying into the Air market, by now the air travelers, must have established a baseline as to how the Air India's On board st...Read more
Reviewed AirTel 'Magic Hai to Mumkin Hai' commercial
Possible Practical Magic
When it rains in Chennai, you find mixed reactions among people. ''So this will solve half of the water problems'' ''Damn it, should’ve rained a...Read more
Reviewed Paramount Restaurant - Anna Nagar East - Chennai
Moghul cuisine at its best
When it comes to food, I am not fussy. My mom loves me for this very good reason. Other reasons could be that I am the only kid. When she goofs up at the ki...Read more
Reviewed Axe Body Deodorant
D - Axe effect
I saw the ads on AXE. Too enticing an Ad I must say. I allot 500 bucks only for my personal grooming. This includes toiletries like deo, after shave, before...Read more
Reviewed Kurumbu
Naughty as can be
Kurumbu is the Tamil word for Naughty Some years back, I saw a movie. After seeing the Movie Kurumbu, I thought, that English movie is copied it from thi...Read more
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