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Chennai India
A guide to being Lazy and moving the cheese
Jan 28, 2004 05:32 PM 6067 Views
(Updated Jan 29, 2004 09:10 AM)



There are several reasons why I read Self help / self improvement books. Worse!!! They fascinate me.

o I want to improve myself. I am too low on self esteem.

o I want to speak about these books intelligently with such flair that people think that I have mastered several techniques.

o I want to write reviews on these books.

o So that this provides me a better career alternative. I am the guy who has effectively tried this on me, remember.

o I can improve my vocabulary and enhance my writing skills

o I want to write my own self help book some day.

When I picked up I moved your cheese by Darrel Bristow a few things I expected but let me down. The title Says Moving the Cheese, I expected this to be the sequel to Who moved my cheese? by Spencer Johnson. The introduction said that This book is meant for those people who are lazy and still there are something’s better to do or not to do while you are lazy and make hay while the sun shines, and yet be lazy.

First it raised my curiosity that a best selling book can get so many negative feedbacks. Some of the paperback one line reviews I've read suggested me that Darrel must have been crazy!! That was great news because, Crazy is what Crazy does. I am semi crazy on the pathway to becoming totally loony that bugs bunny is going to have a tough time since he is going to get a run for his pop ratings.

The analogy starts of with some fictions tales attributing to the art of faking it. ''Anything in this world can be faked''. Halleluiah, that's the truth barely spoken and yet it is the truth. Well, being lazy does have its advantages. For one, you can have the advantage of having others do the work for you. My boss takes the credit for all the work I do. After painstakingly conducting audits and cross checking, all that my boss has to do is come up with one brilliant suggestion based on the reports and become a pet with the CEO. I on the other hand, arrange the data in a format that is presentable. I get this data from my sub ordinate who does all the dirty work and presents the data on a excel sheet. I get the credit for the work done by the guy who reports to me and boss gets his credit.

Sometimes Wisdom doesn't have to make Sense

When the World history has given us Aristotle, Plato and Swamy Vivekananda, who are the images of Wisdom, why on earth are we trying to inherit wisdom. When you are among company, add up some emotions raise your finger and quote something from any of these what they have said and relate that to something that happened in your past (if it didn’t happen then make it up damnit). After all you have the power of speech. You are there dude. Just a few steps away from attaining wisdom, of course you have faked it remember. That’s between you and your conscience. Well to hell with conscience, give it a pillow to sleep for some more time.. Remember anything in this world can be faked except insincerity. Infact insincerity is sincerely unique to each person, and hence that cannot be faked.

Reap the benefits of letting others do the improvements for you.

When you have people to do the improvement for you, then why bother. I loved that cartoon show on TV that came eons ago about the cricket and the ants. Somehow like most cartoon this comes with a twist. The ants worked all summer and gathered the food to keep them during winter, where as the cricket was merry. All he has was war bonds. smart eh!! This goes on to explain that we can be smart enough to reap the benefits of being lazy. this goes on without saying that you cannot have some one else showing you on how to use the toilet paper for you. But leave that to the improvements and you would be quiet ok.

When you cant say anything better, don’t say anything at all. Just fake it

I learnt this in my kindergarten. During lunch time, I was told to sleep. Well, sleep is one factor where I lacked in my childhood. What to do, I wasn’t wise enough to sleep through the kindergarten. When ever I spoke, the teacher used to say Speech is silver Silence is golden. Well, I was wise enough to understand that. The teacher wasn’t wise enough to think that a 4 year old can understand this. But now come to think of it, silence can be just too loud. And you don’t even have to be listening carefully either People can take you for a wise man.

Cheese your way to top – Be lazy but be smart

Take all the good points for being lazy. And remain lazy. There is one short life and you got to make good of it. By being lazy? Yes. If nothing else works in your life, you can begin by starting some self improvement classes. But This idea of being lazy is only for those who wish to remain that way. This isn’t for everyone. Those who aren’t lazy should ignore this without having to comment anything against this review.

If you have bought this book I moved your cheese, you don’t have to even as much as read it. This comes with a special technology, that will get released into the atmosphere and enter your brain cells, that you may reap the benefits of being lazy.

The guest of Honors

The following were the Guests of Honors being mentioned in this book

George W. Bush.

A tree has leaves, sucks up water from the ground & lets dogs urinate against it. And George Bush is a little like a tree.

Oprah Winfrey

She knows how to keep a straight Face while she informs the universe of unhappy home bodies that they could, some how with a little faith, could be like her.

Deepak Chopra

First I thought he was a LA gangsta rapper...I don’t like to make fun of my fellow writers but that’s ok coz Deepak Chopra isn’t a fellow writer, he isn’t a writer’s cuticle

DavieBoy says ...

Yes, the review is very much on the book, not my own self centered published guide on being lazy. Well the book does suggest how to be lazy, yet smart. How to fake everything and yet shows you how not to do it. What I say, forget everything. If you are having or had a tough day, read this book to cheer up, smile and rejuvenate. AS you read through the book, you shall find the importance to the last two pages. Please make sure you go through the last two pages.

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I Moved Your Cheese - Darrel Bristow