In India Terrorism has many forms like Jihadis, Ulfa, Naxals, Mao etc etc and new breed called 'Hindu Terrorists'. No matter what you call them or what they call themselves. They all are Terrorists and all terrorists are anti nationals. Recent developement shows that India has lot more threat from inside terrorism than external. Previously after blast or attack intelligent agencies use to blame ISI, HuJi or LeT but now a days they are suspecting insiders like Indian Mujahideens, SIMI, Abhinav Bharat, Naxals etc etc. This trend might have helped external terror entities as these terror groups are performing their work from inside. How can we tackle such a situation where enemies are within? India has to take serious note of this issue but instead of fighting seriously against Terrorism our Netas are busy to cash on this sensitive issue. BJP is always opposing Terrorism of all forms and it was the one who stood to bring POTA. BJP never left an opportunity to blame government UPA of not fighting enough against terrorism. But the same BJP never prtotested against violence against Christians in Orissa, Karnataka or Kerala. Instead of opposing terrorism BJP is communilising this issue by supporting the Malegaon Suspects. After an army officer's involvement we don't know who else is behind these blasts. Instead of playing politics on the issue like Terrorism our Politicians should unite and iradicate this Terrorism from our country.