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My school time was the best

By: rahulr892 | Posted Jul 30, 2013 | General | 300 Views

As of right now I am working in a software company working 8 hours round the clock as a fresher.I am in the most important phase of my life because next couple of years will decide the future of my life.The pressure to learn and grasp every ounce of knowledge around me is intense.Now my performance will speak for me so I cant hide behind my friends or my parents.I am excited as well as a bit nervous as to what my future holds.

But before this life filled with pressure I lived an amazing engineering life for 4 years.Exam times were actually intense while studying with friends eased it up a bit and the 4 years went very fast and before that HSC and CET preparations were comparable to hell.

But my school was my playground where I was most comfortable in life.No pressure about anything just school and 2 hours of studying at home,enjoying cartoons and stupid games.I didnt have bother with the minute ettiquettes of life required now in a working atmosphere or elsewhere.Every one was innocent and nice to us.No mind games or feel of competition with us and that is what I miss the most.

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Oct 06, 2014 10:14 AM

i miss my school time..........


Nov 05, 2014 06:23 PM

enjoyed reading it!


Jun 06, 2015 05:40 PM

no life like school life