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Mesotherapy for hair loss and hair growth

By: DrBatrasHealth | Posted Nov 17, 2023 | General | 153 Views

No one would like to lose hair as the emotional disturbance related to it is immense. It is an intensely stressful event as hair loss in both men and women causes such profound problems. Throughout the course of history negative mindset is seen toward baldness. All people with hair loss tend to look for painless hair fall solutions. So read about Mesotherapy so that you can be free from hair shedding.

Introduction – Mesotherapy treatment for hair loss

Mesotherapy (mesos, for ‘middle’, and therapeia, ‘to treat medically’, in Greek) is a non-surgical treatment as it comprises pharmaceutical and homeopathic agents, plant extracts, vitamins, and other ingredients. Dr Michel Pistor (1924-2003), from France, founded the field of Mesotherapy, after diligent clinical research, in 1952.

Several people who face hair loss issues try to find painless hair fall solutions that can decrease the turnaround time for natural hair growth after an efficacious medical treatment. You can even call this hair fall treatment as ‘non-needle mesotherapy’.

In this procedure, the principle of ‘electroporation’ is employed, where the skin pores are opened through a heating system and therapeutic solutions- small quantities of natural extracts, homeopathy agents, and vitamins- are allowed to penetrate the scalp. Later, pores are closed using a cooling system. This enhances hair growth in the best turnaround time possible.

Types of hair loss that can be treated with Mesotherapy

  • Male and female pattern baldness

  • Patchy hair loss

  • Hair loss from stress or chronic illness (telogen effluvium)

Thus, it is essential to judge health status and treat any underlying ‘triggers’ for hair loss, such as iron deficiency, anemia, or thyroid problems, prior to the any procedure. Therefore, a successful hair loss treatment depends on rectifying the underlying ‘cause’, and ‘trigger’.

As a thumb rule, a patient may require 10 settings of this non-needle Mesotherapy- one sitting per week- for noticeable results to evolve. Although results are evident even in 4-5 weeks, it will be useful to proceed beyond schedule, for top-notch hair fall treatment outcomes to be seen. The only constraint is that non-needle Mesotherapy is not recommended in individuals having certain health conditions, like:

  • Kidney and liver disease

  • Pregnancy and nursing

  • For individuals having cardiac pacemakers.

Advantages of Mesotherapy for hair loss

The benefits of non-needle Mesotherapy include:

  • Painless

  • Free from side effects

  • No bleeding

The procedure is not time-consuming- as it takes just around half an hour for one to finish a session, or sitting.

Besides, the advantages of homeopathic agents in non-needle Mesotherapy are many. Homeopathic agents cause no allergy or hypersensitivity. They integrate naturally and are completely into tissue as have safety parameters and efficacy for use. To learn about other hair fall treatment options, click on website.

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