All the while I was using the normal laptops and getting infected by virus every now and then. After a point in time my laptop a Compaq couldn’t take more and a new laptop had to be purchased.
I had heard that apple products did not need an anti-virus protection, so, I thought it would be a safe bet to use one of them as my Laptop. I knew that they had a higher price tag. But, because they could last longer because of no virus problems, I decided that the new laptop had to be a MacBook.
My adventures through the laptop to use Torrent website came to a naught because I had to pay to rectify the laptop afterwards. Also, I still miss the windows platform and all that comes with the windows.
The style and format in which the MacBook is prepared is difficult to use when one has been used to with windows. Also, always being online I have found a dreadful thing. Some of my files gets about missing over a period and there is no such thing, I infer, which is not shared although I have not shared it.
In some years, the MacBook would slowdown and cause all kinds of problems. A luxurious 4GB RAM is also not enough.
Even though I have not used most of its hard drive and basically remain online and store very few bytes, it has been going in circles and has restricted and constricted our speeds. We long for a new laptop now after 6 years. Surprisingly, the same years that the previous laptop lasted.
So, my advice for everyone is that you got be lucky with your laptop. God knows what makes it a good machine and what gives up in between for us to think of a new laptop. And that MacBook is not far from problems. It will trouble you for its price, and if you buy a higher end of the laptop, more the curse to follow when it ceases to function properly earlier than usual.
My assessment: Apple mobiles are good, they give you the value for money. But, when it comes to laptops our normal Compaqs when used with care, lasting six years, at that price, is the safest bet. And with the advancement in technology you can change the laptop and use the new technology.