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Becoming RICH

By: Arvind_Kotak | Posted Aug 24, 2014 | General | 352 Views

When someone talks in front of me, of anyone is a Rich Person, the first question comes to my mind is by which means. After some long time of different thinking patterns, I have opted in my Life; this is the Path I am also nowadays adopting in my Life. Richness means by which means; going forward from not only monetary means, but there are also other richnesses that surrounds we human; is lying around us from the beginning itself, but we have always un eyed them. And, even if we talk of monetary terms, then my first criteria is one should spend in the same manner as he earns, though in line with his requirements. But I have seen many of the people who are earning a lot & are not willing to spend generously, that kind of people I do not count them Rich but they are merely wealthy.

That is, My point is not limiting the word Richness to only monetary terms, but we should be Rich enough in elaborating the word “Rich” to various richnesses that we Humans can have. Firstly it is person specific, the One who is fond of anything or activity or any such thing, then he would become Rich in that thing very easily becoz it is his favorite topic. And also the real valuable thing to that person would be the same thing that he is fond of. Someone’s favorite is prestige & goodwill, some like Art, Sports, Music or other Hobby Development. Some likes Love, Relationships, Travelling or Business. And so on, the list goes long & long. And it would also be Heart & Soul satisfying, when we are achieving a Great Height in topic of our interest or which is the demand of time & not the thing which is stereotype, established by world around us. The Real Richness is which satisfies your Heart & Soul. So You become so much RICH, when you achieve so much Height in that topic. How Nice, isn’t It!

And If we progress so much in today’s time, whether it is Communication, Technology or any such thing, then also it is high time that we should make progress in our beliefs & thinking too. And that too, it is which that touches to the Heart of every Human Being. And in turn Being Human.

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