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The Undercurrent: The Last Day Of The Life of A *Prostitute*

By: arijitbose77 | Posted Jan 27, 2014 | General | 335 Views | (Updated Jan 27, 2014 01:35 PM)

I went a little out of my genre while writing this. so please be a little complacent with me:)

Basically I am a chauvinist. but given the debacle these days. I was forced into writing such stuff.

She woke up. her eyes staring straight up at the ceiling of her shaggy home, her office. The blitz from the window dazzled her eyes momentarily, but she rubbed them back to normalcy. “Maa!.” she cried out, and almost at a startle, the realization fell upon her! There was no “maa” anymore. her voice reverberated through the blank walls and echoed in a frenzy before making an oblique and sharp rendezvous back to the void in her soul. There was no turning back now. She had left it all behind. her mother, her childhood, her innocence. her virginity! Everything! Everything. for those innocent sparkling eyes and voluptuous promises. He seemed to have a thousand ornamented words, one to suit every occasion, however frail it may be. Never did it occur to her that such an articulate romantic and innocent tegmen could ever conceal such heinousness. a dubious devour-er under the garment of a proper dream!

She had decided to live her life with him; but her parents would have never given into this day-dreaming of hers. her only refuge was to flee from her hometown with the stranger she had barely met at a local store, but had made so much of an impact on her mind and soul. Even the day they fled, he vouchsafed many promises of an unending and undying bondage. none of which was ever established.

The man sold her off! What she considered to be ten thousand promises of love, were ten thousand etiquettely carved out verbal masterpieces- and underneath all of it was a network, a cobweb of a dire social conundrum- “female trafficking”. Her smuggler smuggled her from her innocent past off to a solitary, forsaken and unknown world where every passing night she was forcefully subjected to ferocious monstrosity that jeopardized that small gregarious purity in her heart. Slowly and poisonously she succumbed, starved her existence, and killed the remnants of her grief before she finally gave in to the ominocity and turned utterly stoic.

They called her a harlot and what not! But they never knew that it was not her option to choose. The moment she called her mom she was replied with nothing but cold silence.

She gaped right through the window into the distant horizon.

A fresh flow of tears gushed in to cover the beady eyeballs that now gaped right through the window into the distant horizon. perhaps searching for her home. She got down from her bed, and walked towards the window. and her eyes enlarged with a new-found austerity of thought! It was as if she had found a way to escape these obnoxious on-goings that she had hidden within the million palpitations within her heart! She slid the glass frame to the side. The window did not have an iron-grill. no barricade. so in an escalated sense of emotion she hastily looked 3 stories down. at the road and she could see her home! It was as if her mother stood right at the road looking straight up at her! She smiled-closed her eyes. and “leaped”.

The world might call her a harlot, or whatever else suited them; it was irrelevant. After she took her leap she would not have to tolerate any by-standing comment; neither would she have to bear those grotesque, barbaric flesh-mongers every night. most of whom she never met before.

The way she bartered her life for freedom might seem obfuscating; but to her, seemingly, it was the last line of defense. the ulterior mean to end her misfortunes. She had made a solitary mistake of blindly believing the charming stranger who dealt in dreams and fancies, but never did she fathom that her small mistake was never to be pardoned or paroled.

She flung herself “three stories down” and fell with a thud! But that very instant her soul shattered the shackles of mortality and grew up to eternal bliss.

The Gods had ominously monopolized her life!. but during her death. she was happier than most of the earthlings that ever trampled the ground. she “did not resent” her death.

According to the NGO Polaris Project, scholar Kevin Bales, author of Disposable People(2004), estimates that as many as 27 million people are in "modern-day slavery" across the globe. and most of them are not masters of their own will.

As human beings we must rise and combat, and it is high time that we raise a renaissance. NOW IS THE RIGHT TIME!

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