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Mustard -Tale

By: jayarachha | Posted Sep 30, 2008 | General | 700 Views | (Updated Sep 30, 2008 10:30 PM)

Mustard is a long- standing tradition in many cuisines around the world .it was the condiment , not the plant , that was originally called mustard .The condiment got its name because it was made by grinding the seeds of what was once called the senvy plant into a paste and mixing it with must, a fermented wine .

Mustard is one of the oldest and most widely used spices . powdered mustard is usually made from white mustard seed and is often called mustard flour. When dry , it is a bland as cornstarch – mixed with cool water its pungency emerges after a glucoside and an enzyme have a chance to combine in a chemical reaction .never use hot water , it will kill the enzyme and using vinegar will stop the reaction so that its full flavour will not develop .

Although there is an astonishing range of mustards, there are two basic types – mild and strong .The seed determines the difference between them. For mild mustard , the seed coat or husk is left on , completely or partially , for strong mustard , it is sifted out .

The most popular variety is Dijon. Mild prepared mustards contain a higher percentage of the husk and not less than 20 percent dry mustard powder. Bordeux, Beaujolais and whole –grain mustards are the most commonly available mild types .German mustards are generally dark and smooth , made from a blend of black or brown dry mustard and vinegar , and vary in strength .American mustards are made from the milder , ground white mustard seeds blended with vinegar , sugar , spices , and often turmeric , which is the source of the characteristic yellow colour .

Making Mustard Sauce

The fiery flavour of mustard is best savoured when used uncooked .While a dollop on a platter of cold meats is often the only required seasoning , some dishes call for a more elaborate treatment .Many cold sauces, such as vinaigrette , mayonnaise or the dill sauce shown here , are flavoured with mustard .

To make mustard sauce …..

Dissolve 1-2 tbs of sugar in 1 ½ tbsps of white wine vinegar . Gradually whisk in 125 ml of extra – virgin olive oil until well blended . Add 6 tbsps Dijon mustard ,2-3 sprigs chopped fresh dill and freshly ground white pepper to taste . Whisk to blend .

Flavoured Mustard

These are prepared with the addition of a herb , spice or other flavouring .Use delicate herbs such as basil , tarragon or mint , with spicier ingredients such as green peppercorns, chillies or ginger , or with fruits such as lemon , lime or berries .

Use about 2 tsps fresh herbs or other flavouring for every 125 gm mustard and let it stand for at least 10 minutes, before using .For stronger flavours , adjust to taste . Mix with yoghurt or sour cream for a quick and delicious sauce for steamed vegetables or poached seafood.

English Mustard

Made from yellow mustard or blended seeds . English mustard is very hot . it is sometimes mixed with wheat flour for bulk and turmeric fore colour. English mustard powder should be mixed 10 minutes before it is required to allow the clean pungent flavours to develop .It will lose its pungency in a few hours, so fresh mustard should be made daily or as per required.For fiery results , mix mustard powder with boiling water or vinegar , or both kill the enzyme that gives the condiments its temperature , resulting in a mild , but bitter , mustard . Similarly , when mustard powder is to be added to hot dishes , such as sauces and stews, stir it in at the end of the cooking and heat gently on the lowest heat to retain its bite.

American Mustard

The obligatory accompaniment to all – American hot dog, this is made from mild white mustard seeds , vinegar , sugar , spices and turmeric . It is mild with a slight hint of sweetness.

Other Mustards.

There are dozens of other mustards , such as French Maille mustard ; Verona mustard , which is mixed with apple puree; and provencale mustard , which is flavoured with garlic and red [bell] peppers. Tarragon, tomato , basil , paprika, and honey are all popular flavourings .

Mustard flavoured with citrus fruits became popular in the last quarter of the 20th centuary

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