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Beeer beer beer beer ....eer

By: jayarachha | Posted Oct 04, 2008 | General | 931 Views

Beer Beer Beer Beer........eer

A General name for alcoholic beverages made by fermentating a cereal(or mixture of cereal ) flavoured with hops . Beer, generically , is any alcoholic beverage produced through the fermentation of starchy material and which is not distilled after fementation , The process of beer production is called brewing . Because the ingredients used to make beer differ from place to place , beer characteristics such as taste and colour vary widely, and consequently its type or classification .

Top fermentation

Ales Ales are brewed with “top –fermentation” yeasts at temperatures from 10-20 degrees Celsius. Ales include bitters, pale ales , porters, stouts, barley wines , trappist , and alt , in England ales are very popular

Bottom fermentation

Lagers Lagers are brewed with“ bottom- fermentation”yeasts at colder temperature of 2-10 degrees Celsius during a long period of time. This process is called “Lagering” .Lagers include books , doddelbocks, Munich, Vienna , Marzen and Pilsners. These Pilsners come from a town called Pilsen in the Czech Republic . The Pilsners are very popular all over the world and are mass produced .


Beer is made with malted grains ( mostly barley or wheat ), hops, yeast, and water . In some beers other ingredients are used like fruits , herbs , or spices for creating a special style of beer . Each of these ingredients , add to the characteristics flavour of the beer.


Beer consists of about 90% of water . This is why the water is a very important ingredient of the beer .Merely few breweries have their own water spring with pure water and the right salts and minerals. Large breweries use softened water with salts added to make a constant water quality.This is why a brewer can make the same beer on many different places on earth. Traditional beers are usually brewed with water from springs which has been deironed .


Many Different types of grains are used the making of beer. Barley is probably most known . From the grains , starch is extracted which is made into sugar at the brewery .When making a white beer wheat or a mixture of wheat and barley is used .


Hops were discovered by monks. In 1736it was grown in Hallertau in the south of Germany . Hop is a right – turning climbing plant of about 360 metres in height . Only unfertilized female blossoms are suitable for brewing . Hops are important for preservation of the beer .


•Yeast is a one – cel plant which multiples through celsplitting .There are many different kinds of yeast , but few are suitable for brewing . Yeasting turns sugar into a alcohol and carbondioxide and gives the beer its aroma and flavour , before 1800 yeast from the air were used . Nowadays only Geuze’s and Lambics use these spontanious – yeasting .

Other Ingredients

Besides the four main ingredients of beer , a lot of brewers use a great variety of extra ingredients to improve the flavour or colour. Some of these ingredients are : Sugar This is the most common adjunct in beer . It ferments easy and give more alcohol . Caramel is also used to give the beer a darken the beer .

Beer Brand Names

Heinken – Holland Budweiser- USA Strohs – USA Corona- Mexico Cobra- UK Kingfisher – India Fosters – Australia Castle lager – India Becks – Denmark Carlsberg - Denmark

Serving Temperature- 6-8* C

Serving Glass should be chilled

Alcohol content- 4-6 %

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