I was watching a 1980's television show called Family Ties. The parents have 3 children. The oldest child's name is Alex. He is very "book smart," practical and relies heavily on logical solutions. The middle child is Mallory. She isn't too bright when it comes to academics but she excels well in fashion trends and emotional matters. The youngest child is Jennifer. She is an average student and a star athlete.
This made me wonder why intelligence levels vary amongst siblings. How come one sibling may be smart when it comes to his or her studies while another shines in creative arts or sports? I know intelligence can be measured in different ways. Intelligence does not just apply to what we learn in school but it applies to all areas of our lives. This includes the fine arts like music, art, dancing, singing, acting, writing and so fourth. Intelligence also applies to sports and other outdoor activities. Even as adults in the workplace, we must challenge our intellect and resolve problems in a precise and timely manner.
Lets say one sibling doesn't do so well when it comes to academics. Does it push him or her to then pursue some other desired dream even more? Passion is what drives us. When we find something we have a great talent for, we will stop at nothing to pursue our goal.
I believe comparing sibilings is the worst thing a parent can do. I believe all children have their share of great strengths and weaknesses alike. Everyone is different. Each child exhibits various talents and abilities which enables a richer and fuller life. Competition amongst siblings appears to be rather common. What turns out to be a playful game can turn into an intense race to the finish.
I understand all parents want their children to succeed and do well in their education. A good education is a solid foundation for better opportunities, a supportive environment, and a stable family structure. But parents shouldn't lose sight of their child's other aspirations. If a child has a dream, learn to nourish it and make it grow. You never know what they are capable of doing because the possibilities are endless.
Intelligence goes well beyond the classroom. Our day to day lives also incorporate "street smarts" and common sense. When we have worldly knowledge about things, we can function in a more productive way and not be taken advantage of so easily. Being clever and on our toes is sometimes our most powerful trick of the trade. The more skills we learn to use and the more we read up on things, the more resourceful we will be.
I believe there's no easy answer for why we are born with the intelligence we have. But we can always improve on making our minds sharper one day at a time.
Readers: What kind of intelligence do you feel you use the most in your daily life? Please feel free to share anything else you feel is relevant to this topic.