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Child and his mother The sick child and his mother The Sick child and his mother

By: ganesh10 | Posted Apr 15, 2010 | General | 466 Views | (Updated Apr 15, 2010 12:36 PM)

A child came crying to his mother and complained that he has severe stomach-ache. She told him, “It is because your belly is empty. Come and have some food.” The child obeyed.

The next day the mother had a heavy head ache. The child consoled her, saying innocently, “Mommy, it is because your head is empty!”

On another occasion, the curious child asked his mother, “Mommy, why are some of your hairs turning white ?” She tried to use this occasion to reform him. “It is because of you, dear. Every bad action of yours will turn one of my hairs white !” The child replied innocently, “Now I know why your mother has only white hairs on her head.”

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