Myself joined in boot camp in 10L-100 L challenge paying the whole subscription in 2 installments
The promise by team for classes beginning from AUG 5th to 20th and further to that private telegram+ AUTO BOT screener+ co- travel for year
I was given joining link for first 2 classes automatically and for the 3rd class I got after followup.
subsequently I did not get any so far despite follow up with service team member MrChinmayee 95842 8xxxx, till present moment
They operate with 2-3 whatsapp group which is discontinued in middle and all numbers given are silent no response
The telegram link given for joining in private group is not working nor the free BOT screener. When approached they tilt the problem on the network and no response there after
I have enclosed a PDF since the start of token boot camp - starting of whatsapp group to dismantling - followup with service team
With such kind of substandard service in guiding people how is the challenge going to happen at all
The tutor, the initiator are totally unfriendly treating participants like a school student, curt and harsh . A kind of offending style of mentoring which is useless even with even best of knowledge persons
Will stock phoenix change attitude and do a better service?
A service provider who resolves even 1% complaint to the satisfaction of customer remains the great service provider and MENTOR
I shall wait for feed back and rectification, upon not receiving I shall update on that status again
Let phoenix take this genuine feed back and redress!

- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.