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Quora Reviews

vipulsrMouthShut Verified Member
Yavatmal India
Questions and Answers
Apr 26, 2017 12:25 AM 1683 Views (via Android App)

Quora is website for everyone who is interested in learning .An inqusitive person can find most of his queries answered if not then he or she can post question on the portal.People answer queations in humble way and give genuine information in answers written by them.You can also follow person you want to follow and get connected with them by social sites.I have learned lot of things from answers and it is helping me in every corner of life.students follow it and get benifited.thank you

If you're Qurious visit
Apr 25, 2017 07:31 PM 1767 Views

Quora is a question and answer based website where people can ask and get them answered through other users.

it means if you ask question there and you can get answer from the community(expert)

it is a USA based website but there are lot of people around the world share their knowledge most of the INDIANs are dominating.

The Quora community is consisting of doctors, engineers, scientist, professor, physicist and people like ME.

This website is solely dedicated towards spreading the knowledge.

Content you can talk(discuss) about anything under the sun, you can get your question answered with lengthy pages filled with immense knowledge.

you can gain lot of knowledge if you are a student even TOP students share their study secrets.

overall it is great experience must visit if you want to expand your knowledge horizon

sivadasu08MouthShut Verified Member
Prakasam District India
Best Answers from the experts
Apr 14, 2017 11:29 AM 1535 Views

I use quora for my dotnet related queries.

The experts suggestions help me very well to solve my problems.

Recently when I got an issue in multi threading related issue I got answer from quora experts, my problem solved.

The main advantage here is we can read the already existing problems and we can learn something.

The way they designed UI is very good.We can write the questions and ask the questions easily.

The information provided in quora is very relevant and useful.

I suggest the technical guys can follow quora for solving their problems.


madhu22MouthShut Verified Member
Kandukur India
Best site for be clear
Apr 05, 2017 08:31 AM 1360 Views

QUORA is one of the best question and answer website, here we can ask about our doubts and questions, and we can get answers and clearity about our questions. if we hve any doubts or questions about the products or organizations here we can get cearity about those questions.  it believes most of human knowledge, and expeariences, and opinions to help other users. here we can also edit the answers if those are being incorrect or some inormation is missing, that helps others. thanks to mouthshut for giving this oportunity.

myselfdilneshMouthShut Verified Member
Calicut, India India
One of my personal favourite websites.
Mar 19, 2017 09:25 AM 2265 Views is one of the very few websites you would visit very often(even on the day of your exam or may be an hour before) and still not regret. You get to know about ANYTHING there. Start by reading others answers and you'll know how real people are(Social media shows you fake life of people. What they want to be). You can ask all your doubts there. It can be embarrassing and then you have the anonymity feature. I'm sure you would want to write your own answers there someday. Answers of others will motivate you to.

I've been in Quora reading answers(also wrote few) since a long time. I got addicted to it like others get addicted to social media. I've got up from and went to bed reading answers. I've read answers standing in a crowded public transport, washroom, college and where not. I never felt bad for that. Instead I think I've spent my time productively. I've got some information.

Quora has got an amazing service. They'll send you private messages for any important changes they make in their website. You'll get any information there. The websites UI is getting better and better.  The design is simple and classy. You don't get distracted by the websites logo or colour(Even though it is all red, which is attractive) and can read without any issues.

It doesn't take too long to load the website(same for the app). Only once I faced an issue. The loaded answers wouldn't change even after you refresh the page. They worked on it and the problem is solved now.

Thank you.

benthomas1705MouthShut Verified Member
Jagdalpur India
Best informative site
Mar 16, 2017 04:18 PM 2070 Views (via Android App)

When you are done with all the social networking things and when you decide to increase your knowledge level think of It is questioning and answering platform globally available to all.

Basically speaking, you can put up questions based on any category. The question can be on a technical, life hacks, career related etc. While creating your Quora id, the website allows you to choose your expertise. This allows the website to direct the questions uploaded based on that category to you. This can help you write answers to the question.

The service and support of website is great. Most of the questions that you want to upload has already been answered. All you need to do is just click on the question and read the answer. Another great thing is that the website as well as the members give you lot of encouragement on the answers you write.

The answers written are fully imformative. Many a times the source of the answers are also mentioned so that you can check the credibility of the information provided. Most of the time the answers are written by experts.

The top questions and answers are shown in the feed. It is refreshed every second. The answers can be upvoted too. For the answers written there is also a comment box provided that allows you to write comments.

The website has a simple and elegant design. The usage is pretty simole. All you need to is sign up. Then you are a Quoran. All the top rated questions and answers will show up in your feed. There is a bar on the top for uploading your questions and based on your interests questions will be directed to you. All notifications alerts will be provided too.

The servers of quora is pretty good and the load time is very less. It is a very responsive site.

At last I would conclude that you should definitely sign up on Quora. It is a great website that you can use on your free time and this will definitely increase your knowledge. You can also download the Quora application from the playstore.


Ballabgarh India
The basic things of that site quora should realay
Feb 24, 2017 11:59 PM 2493 Views (via Mobile)

Quora a question and answer site that encourages thoughtful even long discussions. It's also sometimes a motivater for the questioner and also sometimes helps to moveout from different conditions. But some pepoles show their stupidity by posting stupid questions and answers. These pepoles are like they are destroying qoura rules

Just Like FB and Twitter...
Feb 23, 2017 04:46 PM 2381 Views

Best informative website I ever come will get almost all the doubts cleared on this site

for me it is like a other social media, I always checkout the site whenever I am free and also I will clarify some of the things to other people.

This is basically a topics related to current know hows and indeed good for knowledge also.

very useful site to know everything which you do not know and to tell people what you have in mind.

thecajatinMouthShut Verified Member
Delhi India
Jan 30, 2017 12:51 PM 2336 Views (via Android App)

Quora is question and answered based website where anyone can ask questions and being answered by the people as per own personal experience.

Can access through gmail or and app get loads within seconds. Can select your area of interest and then get the same topics related to ur ineterest.

App designed very simply angone access website. I used to utlise my spare time by reading contents. I will rate 5 on 5 in related to knowledge gethring.

Backend team also notify on time to time for further new updates related to interested topic.

rht1456MouthShut Verified Member
Hyderabad India
Most informative website
Jan 30, 2017 12:24 PM 2188 Views

Quora is a question and answer based website where people can ask and get them answered through other users . its the most useful website website on the web as the answers given by people are genuine and based on their own experiences.the website loads within seconds .in quora, one can find and read answers to various interesting and unique topics in technology, philosophy entertainment, sports, science etc.its a very unique app with lots of useful topics and helpful to gain knowledge.

RAJMECMouthShut Verified Member
Bahraich India
Clear Doubts
Jan 22, 2017 08:36 PM 2251 Views

This is best site to clear all the doubts you have, You have to post only Youe Questions and your doubts will be clear by all the Experts.

It can be use by everyone to clear all the doubts, you have to only login to the site and answers of question is their.

Services& Supports;

All the service you need will be answer by the experts.

Information Depth;

The answer with all the information is provided by the experts for any fields related questions.

Contents Timelines;

All right content with all the right informations is their.


The Site is well design to use with everyone at easier steps.

Website Load Time:

It site loading is depentent on the network you are using, in 3g it opens within a seconds.

rockstarksb123MouthShut Verified Member
Delhi India
The Best Website for your Questions!
Oct 29, 2016 01:55 PM 2122 Views

I have been associated to Quora for over three years now. I just came across the website by-chance three years ago while reading up an article on the internet. As I started digging deep into the website, I found that it is brimming with information. is a question-and-answer site, that means you ask questions here and you get answers from its community. Based in Mountain View, California, this website has gone from strengths to strengths since its inception. It is a US-based website does not mean that it is dominated by the West. In fact, almost 40 percent of Quora's subscribers are Indians!

You have to make an account on the website to get started. You can also login via gmail here. You do not have to pay anything to remain a member of this website. Once you do the login, you have to fill out certain forms so that the website knows better about you. You will, then, be receiving top stories from your feed. That means, whatever interests you have chosen in the forms, top questions related to those fields would be mailed to you in the feed. You can yourself ask any question on this website and normally, you will get an answer within a day.

The Quora community consists of scientists, physicists, educators, professors, engineers, doctors and laymen. Many a times, several celebrities and politically important figures also take Quora session where they answer questions posed to them. In fact, very recently Hilary Clinton held a Quora session while campaigning for the 2016 Presidential elections. You can gain a lot of information by experts, especially if you are a student. Questions related to Physics especially are a treat-to-read. However, you cannot earn any money from your answers. This website is solely geared towards spreading knowledge.

Overall, it is a must-visit website if you want to expand the horizons of your knowledge. You will learn new things here, which will enrich your knowledge like nothing else.

vetspsinghMouthShut Verified Member
Adam D'Angelo left it stray after starting it!
Oct 22, 2016 11:50 PM 2496 Views

I used to love Quora some 3 years back in my college days because it enhanced my knowledge base with good quality content and it was not filled with wannabees and half witted junkies with strong opinions.


-No credibility of facts and figures in the answers/ same with the authors.

-Filled with political propagandists now a days pushing their biased agenda on people.

-The moderators are useless. They keep flagging without even assessing the report properly! Appeal doesn't work/no response.

-A complete illogical/biased/irrelevant answer gets promoted/shared/upvoted a huge no. of times just because the author has thousands of followers resulting in him/her misleading a wide audience of people on the Internet.

-Anonymous privilege once revoked mistakenly has no chance of rolling back because of lack of response regarding the same from moderators. Highly unprofessional.

srikakulam India
The Best knowledge website of all !!
Oct 15, 2016 02:14 PM 2482 Views

Quora is the best site and addicted site because suppose if you have any doubts regarding a topic post that question Quora. some experts clarify your doubts more clearly through we can make friends, mentors.

Using Quora we can improve knowledge, writing skills and reading skills and also we can see interesting questions and their answer .

So I spent daily 2-3 hours daily .I am happy using Quora and will continue to use as far as I am having free time.

bhavtoshsisodiyaMouthShut Verified Member
Kasganj India
Best for Reviews & Q&A
Sep 21, 2016 12:58 PM 2773 Views

I recently visited this website “Quota”. I found lots of reviews and Q&A over there. It gives you close feedback about the product, service or company.

I also shared my question(Query) of one of the product over there. It is one of the best medium for submitting our opinion. If you want to know anything you can ask questions and answers are very much close. Also the best part of this website is there are multiple answers and people suggest gthe best.Highly recommend this.

npsuthar28MouthShut Verified Member
Vijapur India
Very Good Site for Asking Question to Experts
Sep 21, 2016 12:47 PM 3032 Views

I signed up for quora as I was having some questions which can only be answered by experts. Quora is good platform for asking question to experts directly.I posted my question and tagged some best viewed authors. Within 5-6 hours, I got good response on my que. and got the ans. for which I was looking. Now I am an Quora addict, I use it daily. The best part is you will come across such question which you even cant think in your rarest dream and it is fun to read answers of such questions like who was the First Customer of am happy using Quora and will continue to use as far as I am having free time.

telecolumnistMouthShut Verified Member
Raipur India
Quora Good Bad Answer Site
Sep 18, 2016 08:45 PM 2761 Views

Quora is definitely getting popular in between the Indian masses with its answers and questions asked by the readers and is self answered by some other readers. Best is that you can get answers on any stuff you desire but down side is that you usually dont get quality answers for your queries. Since people are at times just giving answers so the quality of answer takes a hit. But this is down side with any of the review site where you will find many answers worth preserving and many answers are not worth looking at. But as we are looking at the mouthshut it is controlled and usually give very good reviews for the stuff people usually looking for. Hence the quality of answers will be better in mouthshut as compared to quora since mouthshut is always monitored and you get rewarded by quality answers. And with question answer quora management should think about assigning some moderation because with free questions and answers some pranksters are making your website a junk material which should be corrected.

Hope quora is listening.

ERRAVIGABAMouthShut Verified Member
Hisar India
Every Answer is present here!!
Sep 06, 2016 10:08 PM 2443 Views

Quora is very wonderful website to explore everything in today's world,here any body can put their question and satisfactory answer is given by many experience persons,here you get all stuff for your knowledge boosting,here you interact with all the persons you know or not know,so its very nice thing so interact with so many persons because form every single person you learn something,so everyone should use quora nowadays,main thing is that you get update daily .

Hyderabad, India India
Quora The Best QA site/app
Sep 03, 2016 11:34 PM 3157 Views (via Android App)

Be there any question you have irrespective of genre,  your question will be surely answered by the users who could have an appropriate answer.

Even we could answer many questions raised by other users after becoming a user of quora, if you feel you could provide a suitable one.

A very good user friendly app/site, nothing like quora at the moment and very good site/app.

I usually use quora app on mobile and I say that it is very beneficial especially for the persons who are not getting a suitable answer for the question they have, just by posting your question the problem will be almost solved as you will get best answers.

RahulBhartiMouthShut Verified Member
Gorakhpur India
The best Q & A Website on the internet
Sep 02, 2016 01:59 PM 2843 Views

Quora is the world's most popular questioning and answering website on the internet where you can easy ask a question or if you have the answer you can contribute to help others.

Before Quora ask. com was used for questioning and answering purpose but Quora team worked so hard to get users questions' answer in very simple way

Being myself a blogger sometimes I find more complex questions from my blog visitors to resolve the question I use Quora and it full fills my needs. And also for my personal problem I seek for only Quora without spending a second on other resources.

I had many questions in my head when I started using Google Adsense for the monetization of my website.

I was in trouble because my adsense account was not fully activated and 3 months had passed but after putting my question on Quora within few days I got the more suitable answer for the query I was on.

Thanks Quora did a great job for me and I hope would continue helping others too who are in trouble like me. Get going Quora.



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