is a very good website for earning real money cash back, when I purchased anything in online . Pennyful do not a very old site . But, after launching they improved their system in a short time . I am using from 6 months ago . After using 6 months, I can say it is fully genuine cash back site .
Pennyful linked with many online shopping& recharge website . When I recharge or pay bill on my mobile or purchase anything from listed website I can get cash back . For few site pennyful not give me cash back, give coupon like Freecharge .
Besides it, I got cash back for recharging from Paytm, Shopping from Amazon, Flipkart . Besides it, they have many websites .
At first I need to sign up via my mobile number verification& email id . After that, from where I want to purchase or recharge select this merchant site . Then pennyful redirect me in my target shopping site . After purchasing anything pennyful added some cash back as pending cash back in my pennyful account within 4 days . Cash back depends upon merchant site, purchased products, purchasing amount . Percentage of cash back fractuate day by day . If I do not cancelled or return my order Pennyful approved my pending cash back within 121 days . This cash back I can payout in my bank account without no extra charges or can redeem it by Amazon or Flipkart gift card .
Already I payout around 78/- . 54/- already credited in my bank account . Left will be credited soon. Actually, it take 7 to 10 days to credit my bank after payout request .
Till now, pennyful do not miss to give me any cash back . They are fully genuine . If by chance pennyful forgot to give me any pending cash back I can launch missing cash back complaint at myself .
Their customer care team is very very friendly . One member Mr.Deepak helped me very much . When I face any problems they call me& solved my problems .
Now pennyful available in website as well as in android app .
Website load time is fast .
As, it is fully genuine cash back website . I highly recommend this website to earn extra cash back in online purchasing .
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