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Myplaywin Reviews

I won 5000 long back
Jun 07, 2019 02:54 PM 14168 Views (via Mobile)

Once I won Rs.5000 around fifteen years back and my total expenses on playing was less than Rs.2000. in all till a few days back. Yesterday I bought a card of Rs.2000. Not winning does not mean fake. We must know whether anyone has won the big prize of crores of rupees.

Will let you know if I win again. I am from goa and used to buy my tickets from magsons center Miramar panjim. I stopped because the center closed and I was also transferred.

Now since yesterday I started playing online.

Is Playwin Real or Fake
May 29, 2019 05:36 PM 14850 Views

I have checked by writing a mail to

to confirm their feedback but I received a mail

I am deeply sorry, but I was not able to deliver your mail to the following addresses: User not found

So that means on their website they are not updating the contact address also.

I feel somehow it is a fake since I didnt receive a proper reply.



Myplaywin doubtful to bet & card recharge online
Apr 07, 2019 12:32 PM 15952 Views

I am registered member. I play online using card. Since three years played lot of bets, but never won prize beyond INR 15. I have doubt that the winners till date are not genuine.

Ihave never seen any one of them on other media like TV, Newspapers. I usually recharge the card online loging in site. Last month someone had done fraud purchase at Pasfar Technologies(CashFree) stealing my debit card details. I wrote email to playwin as well as Cash Free to bring it in their notice. But both of them did not respond.


Algorithm Software,
Oct 06, 2018 12:03 AM 18099 Views

All the data of booked ticked they have it digitally on computer.

Based on it they manipulate the result.

They are using opaque white balls because they manipulate there weight. They might be having a chip inside each ball, or they manually add a weight before every draw for unwinning balls as they have the ticket data,

Each draw close at 10pm and result are drawn at 10.30pm They have the 30 minutes time, to make there draw prepared and add weight logic to numbers.

Solution 1

The Balls used should be in transparency glass color, So user can view through it. Draw should be drawn immediate at 10 pm only. No buffer time should be taken to manipulate result.

Solution 2

Or better approach a person to take the number from the draw manually by hand,

Pune, Maharashtra India
Winning amount increasing
Apr 20, 2018 04:21 PM 17098 Views

I am pleased that ur viewers read my suggestation and ranked me 4stars I would like 2 suggest when we win in 2 numbers we get 50rs I think we make it 2 500rs and 3to 4 numbers 5000rs jacpot should be 1cr fix it will be good 4 every medium class. I would like 2 put in ur ears that - Fake lottery STAY AWAY!
Sep 07, 2017 11:52 PM 21521 Views (via Mobile) has been operating under guise of so called "Govt of sikkim". To be honest no matter how many guesses or tickets you take, you are bound to loose. Ask why? Firstly they are in no mood to let anyone genuinely win a lottery. I doubt if they even paid Re 1 to anyone since their inception leave alone the so called "jackpot". Secondly all the names in winning club are paid people. They occasionally pay news channels, newspapers for fake PR and promotion. Thirdly if after reading this if you still invest money in this fraud scheme you would definitely regret after loosing! Instead spend that Rs 13 on some charity instead of wasting it on this trash paper.

Never I repeat NEVER play their stupid games, you will never win anything here. Save your money.

vinayyenreddyMouthShut Verified Member
Hyderabad India
Earn Money in contest...
May 12, 2017 02:02 AM 19755 Views was the website, which was very intresting and the service and support was very nice and they even contact to others.

Informatio depth was very nice and they use to clear with the information and which would be done this thing, and when we need to make the thing and the content inthe website was long live and it was very long and the website was very user friendly and very easy to use and the website doesnot take much time to load. Thank you.

mukuljethiwal4MouthShut Verified Member
Sikar India
Confusing site
Feb 22, 2017 03:47 PM 20047 Views (via Mobile)

Shall I believe this game and continue this paly?, And also ive some doubt.i ve some doubts that is anybody have got big prize.please tell getting small prizes, is there anybody got a big prize.that I think they are setting the number before the draw by the computerised technology according to our selected numbers so that we r getting only small winplay true through getting big prize.

bhargavkumar7894MouthShut Verified Member
Sambalpur India
No transparency
Jan 27, 2017 12:04 PM 19829 Views

Here number picking is not transparent. The service is very poor and pathetic and the support team is also very untrainted and irresponsible and needs to be trained well. The information depth is also very low and needs to be enhanced. The content timeliness is also very low and the content is not updated for months. The design is very simple and childish and the usability is easy for anyone. The website load time is very slow.

Sholpur India
Picking numbers is not transperant
Oct 04, 2012 09:46 PM 20266 Views

How do myplaywin pick the numbers we don't  know. the process of  picking numbers should be televised and stories of winner should be published time to time and the number of prizes and their amounts should be available in myplaywin website  then only  we can say it is genuine other wise we can't say anything.

Until these procedures are followed Maharashtra state government should ban these games.

chennai India
Wheather online playwin is true - People got prize
May 27, 2009 10:59 AM 24776 Views

I am velu from chennai , I have playing online myplaywin for the past 7 years , I want to know whether it is true why I am asking , because I have not got any big prize and also I have not got any information about the online prize winners. if people have receive any info about the winners please put in the mouthshut .

So it will helpful for the people like me. Whether we have to play further or not .Thanks I have waiting for your feebacks

kerala India
My playwin
May 27, 2009 09:41 AM 22180 Views

I m also playing my winplay game.i ve some doubts that is anybody have got big prize.please tell getting small prizes, is there anybody got a big true to getting big prize.shall I believe this game and continue this paly?,

And also ive some doubt.that I think they are setting the number before the draw by the computerised technology according to our selected numbers so that we r getting only small amount.if any bony getting higher amount please inform.

A game of huge diaster.
Oct 04, 2008 09:58 PM 25058 Views

Myself rocky chaudhary, age is 24 and belongs 2 gurgoan(haryana).i hereby want 2 express my feelings and suggestions for this playwin game. says' khelo india khelo' aur lakhpati ya croropati bano fast'.some people think playwin is a game of fortune and a game of win money quickly.but it is not reality.

I have seen the people who play this game and they lost everything in it include their home, shops, property everything but they got nothing.the last step for them is only suicide.i also lost a very huge money in this game including my new hero honda karizma but i got i hereby want 2 aware those people who thinks tht playwin is a game of winning money but it is all fake.this game looks interesting but it is not.

And thank god now playwin is banned in haryana so hereby want to thank mr. Bhupindar singh hooda (currently c.m. Of haryana)who banned this lottery and all other lotteries in haryana.i also play this game through internet but i got nothing at i hereby want 2 tell tht not to play these lotteries and earn money by hard work because 'hard work is only key 2 success'.that's it.

Suggest ME :) please
Jul 16, 2008 02:50 PM 22337 Views

I use to play playwin from past some time and I think I had spend some thousand or so in this ...but the problem is that I haven't  received any price yet ...

Once I got my 2 numbers matches ... not more than that ...

I struggle alot and think numbers but no draw let ... now also 3 number ... m very sad ... after though investing and thinking so much on numbers ... no good response ... some times I play Thursday or some times Saturday one ..

Can you please help and tell me how should I select the number ... on what basis ALSO if any one wants to suggest some numbers to me .. .please do ...

Suggest me some number XXXXXX

Please do following need ....

Thanks alot,


kljkdjwfkljwe   kfjwekljfjklj'lkxc, .n , ck jklxcjvk xkcvjk kj js a d fopgopf gdopa gioi iopa  oisa ogisfoig offffoipfogopikdfgf gd fgdfgkkk kk kkkkkkkk kkkkkkk kkkkkll llll lllllglll lllll llll llllllg  lglg

New Delhi India
How reliable is MyPlaywin
Nov 20, 2007 09:41 AM 26555 Views

I have been playing MyPlaywin ever since its inception. Till date I would have spent over Rs. 100, 000 including occasional winnings.  I have had continuous problems.  Initially the ITZ cards were issued without activation. You have  to call up their Bombay office to get the card activiated. Then there was improvement on this front.  Then the winnigs were never promptly credited, as promptly as the debits were made in the card.  Though there has been improvement on this front also, there is some indication that all may not  be alright in MyPlaywin.  They do not reveal the total sales, total prizes distributed etc. like UK and other foreign lotteries on line.

May be they cannot afford to publish those details because then there game would be up and in flames. One cannot categorically say anything.

There have been number of instances wherein I had lost my small winnings.  Now a days I keep on emailing them until my winnings are credited.

I keep track of the tickets and throughly check the entries in the ITZ card. The card is not professionally maintained.

One thing I must appreciate. After I wrote a personal letter to the group Chairman, the charismatic Mr. Subash Chandra and after he responded with an assurance that everything would be improvised things indeed have started improving.  Mr. Subsh Chandra after all is a great man, a man of few words but of enormous actions.

tiruchirappalli India a big boon and Fun
May 05, 2005 09:00 PM 27452 Views

I am vivid player in through online, phone & SMS for the past 3 years (or) its inception even before its online gaming. I really enjoyed playwing through online. I have matched upto the 2nd level in all the variety of games. The technology behind this online game is simply superb!. You can't believe, they are crediting the winning amount instantaneously immediately on completion of draw! i.e. upto Rs.5000/- no paper work no follow up, etc..! Simply amazing!. Winning or Loosing Playing PLAYWIN is fun and enjoy! I have a confidence that I'll win a big WIN in near future. And the recent add on of Joker, a real thiller and when you find time to be spent, you can go on with the game, which is conducted every half an hour and the results are flashed within the moments of the draw. So, the overall experience is good!

Online Playwin Lottery! A big joke
Jan 25, 2005 06:05 PM 84360 Views

ONLINE PLAYWIN LOTTERY! A BIG JOKE!!!!!!!!! I have got a very strong reason to say that the much publicised Playwin lottery is a humbug.

I was tempted to play online lottery and hence ordered for a Times ITZ cash card during September, 2004 from and my journey to a series of problems began. First of all let me explain the process to play online lottery with the ITZ cash card.

After procuring the ITZ cash card one has to go through the initial online registeration process on the https://my site. After entering our playwin user name and password one has to enter our ITZ cash Ac. No., which is a 12 digit No. on the card and our password which is a 4 digit No. on the card. Then one has to select the game we wish to play and start playing the game. There are 2 options to play the game viz.

  1. Self-pick.

  2. Lucky-pick.

Each game has a different set of numbers. For e.g. to play Super Lotto one has to select 6 numbers, for Thunderball and Fast Lotto, 5 numbers of your choice and so. For the self-pick we have to place the bets by selecting any six or five numbers between 1 and 49 depending on the game you select.

The lucky-pick is an option wherein the computer randomly chooses numbers for you. The amount for each game is Rs. 10, which is deducted from the individual's card.

I got myself registered in the playwin site as per the instructions. In the initial attempts that I placed my bets, the playwin site was awfully slow and when I called their helpline, I was told by their staff that the site is under maintainance, hence this problem.

After a couple of days I once again logged- in and played my bet Nos. This time I played a single ticket of Thursday Super Lotto. But after I clicked on the finish button I got a message that ''your bets are invalid''.

So I was forced to play the game once again with the same 6 bet nos. and this time my bet was valid. The subsequent Saturday I once again faced the same problem and as earlier I played the same nos. And to my utter surprise when I checked the status of my card on the net for e.g. balance, no. of games played, etc., the games which were supposed to be invalid were actually claimed as valid and the appropriate amount was deducted from my balance.

After reaching the helpline and explaining my difficulties they were kind enough to return the deducted amount in my balance. Since the past one month the playwin site is very slow and it takes ages to log-in and access the various links.

Their telephone no. 56997575 through which one can play the game with the help of the ITZ card is also temporarily disconnected. The option of playing through sms No. 7575 is also unpredictable and sometimes the game does not get registered. I wonder what is happening.

Its a shame that we Indians cannot even maintain a developed site. We Indians claim ourselves to be pioneers in IT, but seeing the playwin site I am forced to conclude that nothing has changed and we still cannot provide proper service in the publicised games site.

