After all those reviews on dotcoms and portals, one really gets drained out, but when you see mtvindia site, you will have a nice laugh because, you will think, that even Govinda has started coming up with the dotcoms.
Believe me, it is still a question mark, how come some one come up with a color combination like that.
I have always in my previous reviews have emphasised on the user friendliness of the websites, whether it is navigation or the content or the design. For a person to sit near the computer with eyes starring at the monitor looking on the screen is really difficult. I myself sit for nearly 12hrs on the net, and for me the design, content and the user friendliness of a website is very important. In India Internet being a costly proposition just sitting on the net looking at a dumb site is a sheer waste of time and money.
When, I looked at the site, I really thought this must be govinda’s favorite site because the color combination is absolutely absurd. They must have taken advice from the dress designer of Govinda, to come up with such color combination. If for Vindia you need glares than to watch mtvindia you need really double glares. Colors like fluorescent orange. Absurd.
The king of contents, Asiacontent, manages Mtvindia; these are the people behind the most popular technology portal I didn’t expect such a raw deal from these guys. As this site comes from the baap of contents. The fonts used in the site are soothing than what you find in Vinda.
No doubt mtv took lot of time to come up with this site, but what have the got is boring, waste of time and absolutely tooooo colourful site.
Don’t ask me content, if vindia talks about sexuality, these guys need to talk about it, so have topics on sexuality. ( I am not against it but their should be some sense in having it.)
Chat rooms
If you are planning to go to their chat rooms, take at least 5 to 6 friends of yours because you will need them too, as you wont find anyone logged in there. The technology again used for chat rooms is pathetic.
This reminds us of the college days when we used to fill our slam books during our farewell day. But, I doubt whether people will waste their precious time filling these books. But, for teens it is a good time pass.
Movies & Music
There are better sites to waste time because the content is really poor. For music you have sites like and many more. For movies there is and many more.
Other features
Other features like campus, contest and downloads are okay. Nothing so great about it. An average content.
Irritating Part
As it’s the site which is owned by the Mtv. You have information on the stupid VJs. Tell me frankly, will a person waste his time on VJs. We are already seeing them on TV and now you want them on net, so you have go it. In fact you can send emails to them, I have not tried it, whether it reaches them is a question mark. But tell me whether it reaches or not, will you waste your precious time sending emails to them?
Overall it’s a time pass site for people who really like doing things like filling slam books and wasting their precious time on topics like sexuality and sending emails to Maliaka or Shenaz or the irritating Cyrus. I wouldn’t go there, as it doesn’t help you in any sense, for e.g their music and movies sections sucks big time. Their chat room doesn’t have any users; their download section doesn’t have great things.
Some one commented on my review that I try generalising things, but that is not the case, I try to bring the real usage of a site. Because, out of my 4 years of experience in this Internet world, I have seen what users want and what users like to do when they log on to the site. If you are looking for cheap sexual pleasure of reading some stupid articles than again there are better sites than mtvindia or vindia.
I would recommend this site to people who, are in their teens and likes filling slam books and looking at the vjs and knowing them well. But again its really a question mark as to whether the time you get to log on the internet, whether you are surfing from a cybercafe(Which in India is very high) or from home is very less.
I personally wouldn’t recommend this site to anyone because mtvindia sucks in every angle whether it is content or the color used in the site. It will really like watching a B-grade Hindi movie. (No doubt Mtv has become the channel for all the b-grade hindi songs..You hardly find good songs on mtv these days)
Series continues…

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