Mian Khusheed,Reuters,
When the pain hits our heart,
we cannot hate any one or anger
at any one;
We will see a surge of love between
India and Pakistan to help the injured
of either country.
When a brother dies, the remaining siblings
start loving each other.
When Jesus was crucified, we decided to love
our brother and sisters and never anger on them,again.
The God cannot seem to help prevent
these natural disasters.
When he made the Universe, he also made its
The good thoughts will produce good, positive
and protective results; and the bad thoughts will produce the ugly painful results.
We are hurt the most when our women are made homeless and and our children hurt;
Rafiq Maqbool.AP.
A woman cries Sunday amid the wreckage of her home in Jabala, India.
A father comforts his injured son at a makeshift hospital near Islamabad.
then why do we abuse our women and ignore our children.
If this is all a physical phenomenon to have earth quakes,and no matter how much we hate each other, abuse our women and daughters;
anger our sons; these natural disasters are going to be happen on a cycles of nature,then my brother or sister,
we do not have to change.
However, if it is our own ugly nature that causes outside destruction,then, are we going to change;
and change for how long?
The laws of hate bringing hateful results are permanently written in the,'' action and reaction,'' of laws of human thoughts, human life and human psychology.
The God is crying just as much as the father who is carrying an injured child. He made the laws of forces of love and hate and we cannot seem to understand that we have to give up our hateful thoughts and see if we can have a peaceful earth and the ocean around us.
We change only for a little time and then revert back to our nasty mind and thoughts.
We have never given a chance for the love to work in the world.
In one month, we will be right back to the feelings of anger and hate between Pakistan and India.
I would hope to see a new future of India and Pakistan.
Let the men and women of India run to Islamabad with all the food, blankets, medicines, sugar, tea and milk and help the children who have lost their parents, the women who have lost their husbands and and children and give love and hugs to the men who have lost their families.
There will be lot of time to mourn for the people who have given lives for, perhaps, a friendship of these two countries.
There are losses of lives greater than 20,000 people and then the sadness that follows the nation for years to come. The time of hate is gone and make it gone for ever.
There are going to so many children who have become orphans and need adoption.
Many of them will remain depressed for the rest of their lives.
Mahatma Gandhi said to one of the Hindu Indian to adopt a Muslim orphan child and raise him as a Muslim.
If a man did that in this world, the God, Rama or Allah would be sending him, His contentment for the rest of his life and for many of his generations to come.
Let them diffuse the nuclear bombs that these two countries have made for each other.
Well the Nature has shown them, what both the nations wanted to see for each other in their hate.
We do not need bombs to destroy each other, our hateful thoughts will do it.
When, they have helped them to their satisfaction, let the Hindus learn what Kudha- Hafiz mean and let the Muslims learn what Jaishree Ram mean.
Amazingly, these are names of our God, Rama and Allah.
Shree Ramakrishna said that all religions like Islam, Christain, (Judaeo-Christian ) and Hinduism are good paths of spirituality, if a person follows them with love devotion and a sacrifice for his brothers and sisters.
President Bush said that the problem is with the fundamentalists of the religions; and they are present in all religions and nations.
The God made laws and he made good laws for the good of His people. The man made his own laws of who to love and who to hate.When the hate becomes to much in the world, the earth shakes.
The God and the physical laws have
nothing to do with this disasters.
I just think,so, ,and please do not send me emails that it is purely a physical happening in the world, I have also some thoughts about it, however, these disasters have some thing to do
with following the desire of our God. He said,'' love thy neighbor, they son, thy daughter, thy
mother and thy father, live in peace and flourish. Are we doing all that stuff?
We have made our elders live in the attic and we have kept our God in the sacred books.
The moment we leave the service from the Synagogue, the Church, the Mosque, the Temple or any house of worship, we run in our cars and try to leave the parking lots in a hurry.
If disasters are a natural phenomenon, so is the conception of God, and human nature.
There is some thing wrong some where in our nature that seems to trigger the natural disasters.
The human mind and the nature around us are very intimately connected.
It is like our thoughts and
the atmosphere of our house.
If physical laws can make one earth quake, they can make unending earth quakes to destroy the whole Earth.
The God did not make the earth and the oceans that the will periodically destroy his children. There are millions of planets in millions of galaxies which rotate around one another without destroying each other. Why would the God build a home for his his children on the rock that is going to shake and kill His children.
What happens inside our minds happens on the out side in the world.
Hateful thoughts are very destructive as lovable thoughts are constructive in nature.
Hate destroys more than love can heal.
We are trying to create solutions of our depression
and our life long conflicts, so that we can be free
form internal and external disasters.
Come and join us at;
Sounds of the Heart:
Clear Conflicts and clear your addictions,
Depressions are also addictions of our mind,
From our members to you all;
Rhonda/Onlee/Maggie/Aruna and Liz,
Our assistant managers.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.