Wish to alert the common public, just be cautious with this letter pad company, based at tamilnadu. Its not my intention to unnecessarily fault/defame any company. However its my responsibility as a citizen to alert others.
This website services for matrimonial, https://Coimbatore matrimonial.com and https://Nilamatrimony.com( https://nilamatrimony.com - arbabu511@gmail.com), is operating from tamilnadu, and as per them they have 11 branches. The experience what I went through proves, that it is a letter pad company, with profiles of question.
After my return from abroad, just to arrange the matrimonial services for my son, without any verification, which was my pre mistake, approached this site on 26th May 2021.Spoke to one lady and then to their MD called one Mr Raja babu .On discussion with them, I preferred to avail the VIP services for six months, and paid Rs 14, 500 online, immediately( Refer order ID CM489734-WH4w3j7 and CC Avenue 110168858803).
There after this lady informed me some one will be deputed to interact with me, on daily basis( She was on leave, that time and will join within next two days as per her).Till date no such person was deputed and she was the one interacting with us in what's up.
The days rolled up, and nothing moved forwarded .I was used to be InTouch with her in what's up everyday .She simply types -wait sir -everyday and disappears for the next day( All those correspondences, and payment proofs, Messages are with my lawyer).Then, loosing patience( At least not heard a update) sent a personal message to their MD, which was acknowledged on 4th June by 2.37 pm. No body bothered to reply or communicate till this date, forcing us to raise the suspicion whether this is a letter head company.
Please note on the same date 26th May, I as well approached another alliance consultant at Kallapati, Coimbatore. They said they will do the services, and their fee is Rs 2500, which will be taken after the completion of job satisfactorily .Believe me, within three days, they linked up 14 brides family, which is going on .
Just highlighting the comparison for all to understand .Be careful with this https://coimbatorematrimony.com or https://nilamatrimony.com
Sethu P Kumar
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.