I have had my email account with mailmetoday since its inception. Frankly speaking I would rate this service with a B+. U get 6MB web space which is fairly decent …I would say good compared to some others ….to begin with.
Well for starters the basic outlay of the inbox is not very happening. They use little envelopes (open & closed )to indicate the read/unread mail. But I find this pretty confusing. Maybe if the open/closed envelopes were in two different colors it would have helped. Sometimes when I'm on the run and wanna check my emails in a hurry…all the envelopes look the same to me…real confusing .I need a closer look to confirm which emails are new and which were already read.
Secondly, unfortunately I never manage to log into my account the first time. It's a daily ritual that when I log in for the first time it takes me to a page stating ''An error has occurred and I have to contact -so and so- etc.''. Sometimes I have been unable to use my account for days…due to this .At times I will also
get a msg stating ''ur password is incorrect plz check ur password(that one gives me a real fright…coz I'm damn sure 'bout my password haven't being changed). Secondly If ever I should try and log in …I'll
type my username, password and then hit the enter button on my keyboard……somehow for this site it never works. I can do the same for my hotmail and other accounts and bingo …I'm in my inbox, but if I should try the same for mailmetoday …..It just doesn't work and I get an error report. I have gotta go back re-enter my details and specifically click on the login button….painful!!!!!And the fact that I do not face the same prob with other email account …..Convinces me that its got nothing to do with my comp or my OS or anything like that.
All in all Mailmetoday doesn't really have any specialized features expect the maal stuff-i.e u collect points each time u use your account. When ur points swell to a certain amount ,u get a choice of gifts to choose from(any one).Ha! Ha! I can't tell u'll the items up for offer coz I just tried opening the MMT Mall page (that's where u redeem ur points for gifts) and it just won't open….I keep getting one page after another but the items just won't show. It's happened again.
Hence I say …mailmetoday by itself has the regular features ….they haven't really left anything out but what's the use if half the time ur gonna receive error msgs …and u can't open this page and u can't open that page.…NO FUN at all.
On the other hand I really like Rediffmail (super fast loading - Though sometimes even here the pages need to be reloaded before they show….but only sometimes),indiatimes (pretty fast and ,MASSIVE space(10MB) and hotmail(good ole reliable email but too much of junk mail sneaks through -beside they don't let u check ur POP mail anymore) and yahoomail ,very good ,good speed,good features,good space (6 mb) etcc.
ONLY SOME of the features offered by mailmetoday:
Folders are a simple way of managing and organizing mails.
You can customize ur Inbox and other options as per your choice.
Once u click on a mail and realize that you don't want to receive mail from that address, you can block that particular email address while you are reading it or even before opening it in your Inbox by clicking on the Block Sender link. (good for avoiding spam mail)
For better space management of your e-mail, you can delete the text message of the received e-mail but save the relevant attachment with the mail, by clicking on the check for the purpose.
To search a particular email you can select a particular search parameter for an e-mail such as - to / from / message / body / subject.
You can add your signature with the accompanying text/message, to all your mails by clicking 'OPTIONS' button on the left navigator bar and click on the signature link. Create your signature and add signature to all messages as default
You can send maximum 3 attachments with one mail specified file size of each attachment of not more than I/2 MB.
You can separate the people according to their personal or official etc status, by creating a group
You can choose to clear your Trash Mail folder either: Yourself Clean trash while logout Clean trash when quota exceeds
This feature allows you to create a customized automated response in case you are out on vacation / unable to access your mail for some time.
You can block up to 100 addresses.
You can read e-mails from your other e-mail accounts provided they have a POP (Post Office Protocol) server. E.g. you can access your VSNL or MTNL accounts on Mail account.
you can keep your event diary online and add appointments
and other features………………………..
To sum up,I use mailmetoday only for two reasons 1) Just 4 kixk….ha just for fun.The maal stuff and alll….though it takes forever to get any real points which entitles you to any real good gifts.
2) Since I started using this email from its inception I was lucky to get the email on my name (full ) no alpha-numeric nos required.So I will stick to it since it is diff to get ur full name on any email account now-a-days .
But I wouldn't address any official real imp stuff to this account…I can never know when my account will act stubborn and refuse to open.So I would recommend using this account as ur secondary email account not ur primary email account.
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