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Mailmetoday Reviews

laxmichowMouthShut Verified Member
MailMe but it reaches to someone
Jun 16, 2017 06:06 PM 1334 Views

Hello Guys, I have used this website that I have trust it works very fastly and genuine. but Actually it can't works and I get frustrated of using this website. First I have think that my net connection is slow but the reality is this website maintenance is bad and server will get down all the time.

Now the website is not working and unto now domain is maintained in US. It takes mostly minutes to load this websites when I get signed into this.If it loads but the content is not available till 15 minutes.It is a waste website and it can't even open our mails rather than sending to anyone.

I totally disgusted with this website and I totally wasted my time and net by using MailMe.

thomasdsouza064MouthShut Verified Member
Mangalore India
Mar 31, 2017 09:31 AM 1712 Views is a worst mailing site available as I had signed up with these mail service providers initially while joining its a very long process with so many check list and so much to fill in with the forms the design of the site is too bad and worst it takes time to load the website and takes lots of time to send our mail before sending a mail avery time it keeps on asking for weather we are robot or human and its very annoying.

Rajini99MouthShut Verified Member
Jangareddygudem India
Not working !!!!
Feb 27, 2017 02:20 PM 2095 Views

Hi guys this service is not available and not working, when I Typed the domain it is giving me a message that this website is not available. they have stopped the service

I have attached the screen shot also please check for clear understanding

No service and support

No information

No content

NO design

Website was shut down Completely!

you can try other services for mailing purpose and messaging


Yet another cheater in a row!!!
Oct 05, 2002 03:13 PM 3547 Views

I got attracted by an ad in the India Today & opened an account with this service. The so called Mail with MALL is yet another service that makes false promises in the begining.

I began using it & have lot of stuff in the briefcase of this service. But these people have actually made a big fool out of me just like I was fooled by another such I had passsed on the email id to all my friends & was using it like hell. I gathered about 15000 points & now when the time came for me to collect the gifts, these people come up with an excuse that they have closed the service.

Mail me today and forget it.
Sep 21, 2002 05:29 AM 3472 Views

Mail me today and Forget it that it will ever reach destination.

I fail to understand why this email service was ever started when all they wanted to do was to make the good old snail mail look good!!!

Half the time there servers are down, then the passwords keep on getting lost.

The best part is that the mail reaches the reciever without any text. Yess Sirr without any text completely blank!!!Aren't we glad we can't send money order through email???

Other wise your dear ones would have never recieved the money.

I don't know how therer reward system works as I lost the patientce to continue using it after my freinds complaints of all kind of things with my mails sent by Mail me today.

Forget it guys stick to good old Sabeer Bhatia's baby.

MAIL ME TODAY... What a joke!!!
Sep 17, 2002 07:30 PM 4117 Views

When I came across this site, MMT, I thought, atlast there is a site where I can have a permanent free email id, as its sponsored by the India Today Group. I am right in the sense that it is indeed still free, gives you 6 MB of space, a nice and simple interface and above all points which can be redeemed!!! But all the above attributes hold true when this site agrees to open up!!! Man, its a pretty shady site in terms of service. Absolutely no QoS. Every weekend practically its down for maintenance!!! I wonder are they maintaining their shortcomings instead of attending to them!!!

I personally have rung the India Today Online Group a lot of times. Infact whenever I had any problem, I used to ring them up, and one of the employees there soon started to recognise my voice, and even remembered very nicely my login id!!! So yeah, it has earned me one more friend!!! How I wish it accompanied a decent enough QoS too!!!


Ok....Just 'bout Ok!!!!
Sep 03, 2002 10:23 AM 4347 Views

I have had my email account with mailmetoday since its inception. Frankly speaking I would rate this service with a B+. U get 6MB web space which is fairly decent …I would say good compared to some others ….to begin with.

Well for starters the basic outlay of the inbox is not very happening. They use little envelopes (open & closed )to indicate the read/unread mail. But I find this pretty confusing. Maybe if the open/closed envelopes were in two different colors it would have helped. Sometimes when I'm on the run and wanna check my emails in a hurry…all the envelopes look the same to me…real confusing .I need a closer look to confirm which emails are new and which were already read.

Secondly, unfortunately I never manage to log into my account the first time. It's a daily ritual that when I log in for the first time it takes me to a page stating ''An error has occurred and I have to contact -so and so- etc.''. Sometimes I have been unable to use my account for days…due to this .At times I will also

get a msg stating ''ur password is incorrect plz check ur password(that one gives me a real fright…coz I'm damn sure 'bout my password haven't being changed). Secondly If ever I should try and log in …I'll

type my username, password and then hit the enter button on my keyboard……somehow for this site it never works. I can do the same for my hotmail and other accounts and bingo …I'm in my inbox, but if I should try the same for mailmetoday …..It just doesn't work and I get an error report. I have gotta go back re-enter my details and specifically click on the login button….painful!!!!!And the fact that I do not face the same prob with other email account …..Convinces me that its got nothing to do with my comp or my OS or anything like that.

All in all Mailmetoday doesn't really have any specialized features expect the maal stuff-i.e u collect points each time u use your account. When ur points swell to a certain amount ,u get a choice of gifts to choose from(any one).Ha! Ha! I can't tell u'll the items up for offer coz I just tried opening the MMT Mall page (that's where u redeem ur points for gifts) and it just won't open….I keep getting one page after another but the items just won't show. It's happened again.

Hence I say …mailmetoday by itself has the regular features ….they haven't really left anything out but what's the use if half the time ur gonna receive error msgs …and u can't open this page and u can't open that page.…NO FUN at all.

On the other hand I really like Rediffmail (super fast loading - Though sometimes even here the pages need to be reloaded before they show….but only sometimes),indiatimes (pretty fast and ,MASSIVE space(10MB) and hotmail(good ole reliable email but too much of junk mail sneaks through -beside they don't let u check ur POP mail anymore) and yahoomail ,very good ,good speed,good features,good space (6 mb) etcc.

ONLY SOME of the features offered by mailmetoday:

 Folders are a simple way of managing and organizing mails.

 You can customize ur Inbox and other options as per your choice.

 Once u click on a mail and realize that you don't want to receive mail from that address, you can block that particular email address while you are reading it or even before opening it in your Inbox by clicking on the Block Sender link. (good for avoiding spam mail)

 For better space management of your e-mail, you can delete the text message of the received e-mail but save the relevant attachment with the mail, by clicking on the check for the purpose.

 To search a particular email you can select a particular search parameter for an e-mail such as - to / from / message / body / subject.

 You can add your signature with the accompanying text/message, to all your mails by clicking 'OPTIONS' button on the left navigator bar and click on the signature link. Create your signature and add signature to all messages as default

 You can send maximum 3 attachments with one mail specified file size of each attachment of not more than I/2 MB.

 You can separate the people according to their personal or official etc status, by creating a group

 You can choose to clear your Trash Mail folder either: Yourself Clean trash while logout Clean trash when quota exceeds

 This feature allows you to create a customized automated response in case you are out on vacation / unable to access your mail for some time.

 You can block up to 100 addresses.

 You can read e-mails from your other e-mail accounts provided they have a POP (Post Office Protocol) server. E.g. you can access your VSNL or MTNL accounts on Mail account.

 you can keep your event diary online and add appointments

 and other features………………………..

To sum up,I use mailmetoday only for two reasons 1) Just 4 kixk….ha just for fun.The maal stuff and alll….though it takes forever to get any real points which entitles you to any real good gifts.

2) Since I started using this email from its inception I was lucky to get the email on my name (full ) no alpha-numeric nos required.So I will stick to it since it is diff to get ur full name on any email account now-a-days .

But I wouldn't address any official real imp stuff to this account…I can never know when my account will act stubborn and refuse to open.So I would recommend using this account as ur secondary email account not ur primary email account.

Mar 15, 2002 09:46 AM 3500 Views

September 17,2002.

Hi ! Friends,

The following was my earlier review on this e-mail

service provider.

There services have been going from bad to worse.

And now,today it was the end-all !!!!

Today,while logging in to check my mails,

this is what I found on the opening page.

''Dear mailmetoday users,

Due to unavoidable reasons, the mailmetoday free mail service will no longer be available. The service will be discontinued from Wednesday, September 18, 2002 11:00 PM. We request you to make alternate arrangements for your mailing needs and also request you to use this notice period time to inform your contacts that you will not be accessing your mailmetoday account. We apologise for the inconvenience.

Team mailmetoday''

WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!

All of a sudden the services is closed !!!!

And when you think this is service is provided by one

of the leading print & publishing house in India !!

GREAT !!!!!!!!

We are we always taken for a ride !!!!!

What happens to people who have this address of ours?

Isn't anyone responsible for such a callous act on part of

the management of

What happens to the rewards point that we have accumulated????

I think , gone with the wind !!!!!!!!

When are we going to improve friends !!!




Dear Friends,

Hi ! am back again.

I have been using e mail account at for quite some time now.

Initially, the service was very slow, sometimes it was so slow that the site won't even open up.

Since,last year the company had revamped the site and it improved to a certain extent.

They offer point, probably for every time you hit a new page.

This was attractive, specially for a regular user like me.

These points are redeemable against gifts offered by the promoters.

But some of gifts which are worth it , require too many points.

Anyway,now I have been noticing that whenever I click on icon for ''My Points'', a new window opens, and it shows points earned.

However, when I click to check out the gifts available, the page remains as it is.

It does not shows gifts offered.

I have been noticing this for quite a few weeks.

Their services needs to be upgraded a lot.

Hope they do it quickly.

Okie friends,that's all for this one.

Have a great day tomorrow.



Mailme But I will Not Mail You
Nov 18, 2001 05:39 PM 3289 Views

This seems be a motto of mail me today. where you can receive mails. read them execute them but can't send them whenever you try to compose a mail and press send button you get the debugging information. so I will ask the mail me today people if they wish us to help them in debugging the scripts they write they should also decide the amount that they will pay the users as it seems they so not have any software support to rectify this evergreen problem since ages. O they do not wish us to send mails from their server

Does everything except send mail
Oct 07, 2001 08:35 PM 3211 Views

Hi folks,

Must say that

O one of the reviews prompted me to check out this site

O the screen layouts and colors are pretty impressive

O it is one of the few email services that allows a ''.'' in the address

O They have a points system in place.


O Just try sending an email, you will get ''error on page''

O The ''From'' section has a very cryptic display.

O Even replying to sent mail gives you ''error on page''

O you just can't type the subject!

O There is no description of how the points system works.


  • aesthetically pleasing experience.

  • managed to get a good email address [firstname.lastname @]

  • it should be worth the wait - [for the bugs to be fixed]

Oct 07, 2001 04:40 PM 3361 Views

Another month has begun and October by it's name suggests to be a good month and the beginning of the month was really good.

Mouthshut was on for a new design and many new sites showing up which are really worth a checkout.

And this I have decided to target some of the ''free'' email Services provided on the net.Sound like fun, but when it comes to decide which one is the best there stands a big question mark in front of us and we really start to think to provide a good answer.

This topic came to my mind after reading the DIGIT Mag. and according to then Hotmail was the best.Can you believe it?

FREE this is the highlighted word which people look for while browsing in todays world when dot com company's are really struggling to earn and many sites have started charging for email.But will all services remain free?

I think this question can be only answered in the future.

Mailmetoday is what The India Today Group calls this email service and yes this is a FREE email service unlike many other among the bunch.

E-mail service should be good in every aspect, take that in size,load time and other utilities like block facility and other stuff.So lets dig in and find out as to what MAILMETODAY has in store for us.


Mailmetoday is only focus on email and nothing else.So when you get there don't expect something like which is a multi-purpose portal.It plain and simple email out here.So what should a mail service index contain?Well a simple form asking for login name and password.Well mailmetoday has good logo and simple form to fill out with become a member link at the index.

So full marks to the index page as they know, and they seem professional.


Well logging in is simple and if you are validated you are in and the log in page is simply great.They have cool colour combination and all the links are neatly arranged with simple format similar to that of Yahoo! or what your current email service provider is giving you.

But it isn't as fast as rediff nor is it as slow as hotmail.I would as that they have a pretty decent speed.


They have the same service which your mail service provider is giving you.Signature and accessing them is same as it is in your current email service provider.

For those who don't know where it is available, then it comes under the section called ''PREFERENCE'' OR ''OPTIONS''.

I simply love there compose section as it is different from other with a pretty decent compose box which lets to make the text bold and coloured.

What more do they give me?

Yahoo! they have a briefcase and points system to provide you with something extra than normal email.

You gets points for logging in every day which can be redeemed for some cool stuff.But earning them is a great problem and you need a lots of them to redeem.Well I have given up.But if you are a regular surfer and sit for lots of hours per day then it's you change jump in and collect.


Graphical help, are you looking for this?Well then you have come to the right place.They have some good graphics to help you.Every aspect of their service is explained with graphics but they have not mention about how to earn points and other stuff you might be looking for.


They are good, they provide good service.But are they the best?Surely NOT.They don't have a big stomach, speed is OK and rest all is GOOD, but they surely are not worth a check out.Well there are lots of other options and many other FREE email service provider.Other thing which sounds cool is's it cool?).

Never MailMeToday
May 17, 2001 03:51 PM 3581 Views

I don't mind any other mail site for my regular mails. But Mailmetoday is really absurd. You can't count on it. It doesn't open most of the times in the morning when you most want it. Its out of action for days together; what do you do with the mails that folks/friends are likely to send. You just can't rely on it as your regular email site.

They carry a point system on using the mail service. Sometimes the points just don't accrue!!!

In spite of being in existence for quite some time they haven't upgraded the email system and not made it any user friendly(just check out any email site guys - hotmail or rediffmail), neither is the speed of the site any positive.

Overall a very pathetic site. Yesterday, Today and probably tomorrow too.

Dr. Annie Besant rd. worli, mumbai india
MAILMETODAY.COM - Super Highway Robbers
Mar 03, 2001 03:55 PM 4327 Views

A product from the India Today Group, is one of the most inferior e-mails sites ever to have the standard to be called so. It is one of the most plain, unassuming below par sites. With storage space as little as 5mb, the founders of the above said site entice each surfer with points when u login, read or send a mail.

One can accumulate a maximum of 50 points per day. These points can be then redeemed for gifts. If you think the gifts consist of TV’s, Music Systems or jewelry like other sites, keep dreaming!!!! First and foremost the prizes r Delhi –centric, which consist of a discount coupon from a dept store in Delhi, a free game of bowling at an entertainment centre in Delhi, complimentary passes to ‘Annabelles’ a disco again in Delhi. I guess the founders of the same thot outsiders wud fly down to Delhi and make good use of these cheapskates. Keep dreaming Mailmetoday!!!!!.

But wat really took the cake is this story narrated by a friend of mine. She registered on the site and collected a cool 1000 points and was just contemplating redeeming her points when Mandrake the magician arrived Poooof!!!! From nowhere, crashed the site and gobbled up all her points. When the site did recover, she had to start from scratch collecting her points.

Farewell, better die one death reading this review and go bury urself rather than wait for more reviews and die more than a thousand deaths.

Don't mail me today!
Feb 18, 2001 02:53 PM 2965 Views

I saw an ad for mailmetoday on the India Today mag a long time ago and decided to give it a shot. My first hurdle was a message on their site saying that they had experienced an overwhelming response and needed to upgrade and hence were temporarily unavailable. (That's a nice way of saying we're down!!). well, I requested to me notified when they were online again and then kinda forgot all about it.

Then out of the blue I get this message that they were online again. Cool, I decided to subscribe to some newsletters and check out their service.

Thank God I didn't use it for any important mail!

The plus points are that

  1. It's quite fast most of the time. It actually zips at times!

  2. The format is uncluttered and easy to use and read

  3. There are some rewards you get for checking mail. Basically you get points that can be redeemed for gifts. Not sure if this works

There are quite a few disadvantages because of which I wouldn't recommend this service

  1. Messages take time t0 reach you. Some mails I've sent to the mailmetoday account to check it's speed took about half a day to reach

  2. Server Down! I get this error message a few times. E few other errors happen occasionally (but not too often)

  3. Lost Mail. I don't know why but a lot of mail gets deleted, especially if I haven't opened my account for some time! That's a rather dangerous thing to do!!

  4. NO HTML support which means that any mail sent in HTML format comes garbled!!

  5. An irritating feature is thateverytime you delete a mail you go back to the inbox, rather than to the next message, which actually doubles your time used up!!

Their rewards scheme appears attractive, but over the last few months I have found that they offer very little to choose from and most of it is only after u have accumulated a lot of points!

My parting advice would be, give it a shot but make sure you don't use it for any important mail. You may be able to get any of the products they claim to give you as rewards. If you do get any rewards, mail me to let me know!!

Of late a few problems
Jan 18, 2001 03:29 PM 2938 Views of indiatoday group is an excellent service, well designed, good utilities, easy to navigate, and fast loading.

Of late, eversince the bulky newstoday e-paper has also been put on the same server, there are

a few problems. log-in at times takes time, once u log-in, it gets stuck on a html page which says

apache server 1.1.12 etc etc. . You have to click on refresh, then it opens up the inbox, thereafter no problems. I hv sent the feedback and complaint to the guys, but there is no action, they say it's perfect!

Funny thing is once you log-in, u r straightaway taken to the open inbox...its like the main door of a house opening directly into the bedroom, its funny, I havnt seen such a design on any mailserver.

This site has been designed by pugmarks-chandigarh,, full of????



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Sep 17, 2002

By: skicorp

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