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Mailcity Reviews

CA United States of America
Dave Katragadda on Sansui HDLCD1900
Jan 27, 2009 12:43 PM 5724 Views

Dave Katragadda's Full Review: Sansui HDLCD1900 19-Inch ATSC/CLEAR QUAM LCD HDTV For $178 on Black Friday. We were in need of a counter top TV for the kitchen. We are very pleased with the picture quality and the sound quality.

This television is truly something to be admired. dave katragadda say it's also a work of art. I have a high definition cable box with an HDMI cable to the TV and the HD channels are superb. I mean, the picture is totally 100% crystal clear. I have windows behind me and somehow there is virtually no glare. Yes, the TV looks better when it is dark outside versus light outside but it's perfectly great when it is light outside. I'm writing this review on my couch.

My laptop is connected to the TV via a VGA cable with a wireless keyboard and mouse. Unfortunately my laptop does not have HDMI but I can see very well with the VGA cable. Needless to say, I am going to become much more lazy as a result of this TV. The 40 inches is great for my viewing pleasure. I'm sure 46 is bigger but I am 100% content with 40 inches. It comes down to price.

I did not want to pay more than $1, 200 for a TV (that's $100 a month for 12 months using the Amazon Store Card). So this was a no-brainer for me. If you are in the market for a TV, I highly suggest this one. It is truly a wonderful TV. The "only" thing that isn't 100% perfect is the sound.

The sound is good mind you, but it is not as perfect as the picture. But for the record, I have not played with the equalizer which people report helps the sound. This is an amazing TV. UPDATE 6/12/2008: This is still a remarkable television. I don't have any complaints about it at all. Even the sound is perfectly fine.

However, you MUST either have a Blu Ray player or an Upconvert player with an HDMI cable to get the full benefit. Everything looks and sounds perfect on this TV. UPDATE 7/13/2008: The TV is still perfect so just buy it already! I actually bought a 26" 3-series for my bedroom. I don't notice too much of a difference; I am happy with this "worse" TV as I am with my living room TV (this one). Samsung makes an excellent LCD television! Recommended: Yes Amount Paid (US$): 178

CA United States of America
Dave Katragadda
Sep 23, 2008 06:27 PM 6039 Views

Originally selected this mail service because I thought, ’’Hey, I need a new account for all of my junk mail.’’ I then later realized that MailCity is very



all e-mail services seem the same. They all are. But this one has the abilitity

to check voice mail from your account and over the phone. Sure I never use the voice mail

but I feel special having a Voice Mail Account.

What I didn’t like about this service was the way they made the layout. With a banner as frame

near the middle that increases the load time alot for someone with a slow connection like me.

What I like best about Mailcity is that I hardly ever get Junk Mail...unlike Hotmail getting nearly

50 Junk E-Mails a day. Mailcity has grown to me. I still prefer Yahoo! Mail over all of them, but

Mailcity comes in a close second.

Signing up for Mailcity also gives you access to Lycos Clubs, My Lycos, Angelfire, Tripod, and

many other Lycos features.

kingsland usa
Spam filter sucks
Dec 21, 2006 07:10 AM 5989 Views

I've had a mailcity account now for the past three years and finally closed it down last week. It was fine for the first two years, but then somehow I got on a spam list and everything went down hill.

Despite new "spam filtering" software introduced a few months ago. many lycos mail users, including myself , were still getting more than 90% of spam delivered to their inbox. I tried several times to contact customer support but kept getting my support tickets closed down with no help - I was receiving over 200 spam emails everyday - playing with the spam filtering settings had no effect - On the positive side, I did like the user interface and never had any problems with website itself. This was my primary email account for three years and had no problems except for the spam issue. If you are trying to avoid spam don't open a lycos mail account


Harriman USA
Mar 16, 2004 07:44 AM 10151 Views

WHOA, these reviews are off! hate to be unprofessional, but lycos email sucks horrifically...

It was my first web-based email after college, and I was proud of it at first... two years ago, after leaving my old job (and work email) I upgraded to the premium account, and again was proud of myself! I was wrong....

1) The spam filter is terrible, they seem happy with about a 50/50 block rate, and I used to think that was normal!

2) Terrible, infinite spam from people who have the lycos address list (i.e. people who mail to you, and a dozen names that are close to yours alphabetically, meaning the list has got out)

3) WORST: the account was OUT (completely) several times last year due to server problems ( a single server we were told), the worst for several days in a row... for anyone who might REALLY NEED a certain email or two (or all of them), this is unacceptable....

4) It is very slow, in EVERY aspect, and I have used it with the fastest connection speeds possible

5) The user functions are just not very good (when you send something, it takes you to a blank page saying ''message sent'', with a button allowing you to return to the inbox if you want.... what is the point of this? such a waste!)

To be honest, the worst problems are the previous outages and the spam....

but all the other problems I noticed after joinging my new email provider.... if you are like me you are gonna be wary, thinking I work for this new service, or wrote this all as a shill for them.... I would ask you to somehow trust me, that this is the first time I think I have ever even posted on a site like this, and I am doing it out of anger at lycos, and love of my new provider....


You don't HAVE to even have the .fm as your ending, but I do, cause I want the company to get bigger... the service is so unbelievably fast and efficient, I feel like I have been ripped off with with lycos (and yahoo, and hotmail, though yahoo is the best of those)....

I was wary at first, but it is the best computer/internet related decision I ever made.... check out the users who rave about it, we can't ALL work for the company!! (in Australia I think!)....

Anyway, no to lycos, whoever you decide on, I think Yahoo is better....

Cool, Fast , Best!
Sep 08, 2003 05:57 PM 13934 Views

I've used many email services & find, as 1 of the best ones. I used, I didn't like the storage capacity (Around 1MB - 2MB) & the 1MB limit for sending attachments. Then tried YahooMail, the storage capacity was like Hotmail & the the maximum limit for attachments were 3 attachment per message plus they should be within 1MB in size.

I used some other email services too, those where worst than the ones mentioned above. I tried lastly. I liked its storage capacity of 6MB & maximum limit for attachments is 6MB. Even if my mailbox exceeds the storage limit, I still, will be able to receive emails. Not like Hotmail or Yahoo, were my account gets temperally disabled from receiving new emails. So, I incase I've been sent an important mail, I won't get it when my Inbox is full.

MailCity is fast & easy to use, (some of u people may not be liking Mailcity, but I like it). In Hotmail or Yahoo, if I compose & send an email at... say 6pm, the person who its sent to will receive it around 1hr - 5hrs later. Well, it doesn't happen always, but sometimes it does. So incase I want send an urgent mail to some1, the receive wont get it fast. These mails are sent with the priority 'Normal', & we cannot change that.

In Mailcity, will composing an email, u can also set the message priority as Normal or Urgent. There is no SPAM, like those with U can IM urs friends with the Lycos Messenger. is hosted by Terra-Lycos Network. Mailcity is also known as LycosMail.

The storage limit I mentioned above in, YahooMail & LycosMail ( can be increased for a price depending on the service provider.

Apart from the email service, u can even check out the other sites of Lycos Network.


Hyattsville USA
Slow Mail
Jul 02, 2003 02:26 AM 6528 Views

It takes forever to reach email to my account. I have already switched to Yahoo which is really great. They did not have the spam blocking feature for a while but now they have introduced it. I had my first email account with mailcity but I do not use it anymore.

Yahoo is the way to go if you are looking for a reliable email and other services.. (I am even willing to pay for their services if ever they decide to go for it).

Between.. I am not using the spam blocking feature of yahoo and mailcity to compare. If you want an email account which is free of spam.. make sure you never type that email address anywhere on the web and give it to only personal contacts. Open a junk mail account for all these purposes.

Mailcity >> LYCOS ''the best''
Jun 28, 2002 03:55 PM 9086 Views

Its no longer mailcity it ''LYCOS''.

I created my first email id that was in mailcity in 1999. Eversince I've been using it. I've had email id in almost all site which provided one.

These are few advantages of ''''

  1. simple Design and Navigation

Lycos mail has simple design and navigation. The download time is fast.The user can easily find what he/she is looking for. Once you login, the site has a very simple top navigation. All the links are clearly labelled. The email are displayed in a neat format. It also indicates wheather a replying mail has been sent, after reading the mail received.

  1. Composing Mail

Personally I find sending mails easier in lycos than any other site. The page has neatly displayed fields and messaging. The best part is the attachments. Unlike and yahoo, the attachments are really fast. You can be pretty much sure the file will get attached.

  1. no advt. banners

There are no advt. banners on any of the pages, that makes the page load fast.

  1. The Address Book

This is the best part of Lycos. The address book is simple, yet detailed. The first page display the Name, nicknames, email id and phone no. You can send bulk mails by clickin on the check boxes.

When the name is clicke it takes the user to another page where its divide into 6 sections.

Name, Internet, Phone, personal, Address and Misc.

You can save all details about a person from nicknames, birthday, Spouse name, children's names, home address, office address, details out job and phone nos.

  1. Simple registration

Very Simple Registration page. I created my account in less than 5 mins.

What more do u need. I have not had any problem with the service. They maintain it well and add new features. Its simply the best.


A mail without junk
Feb 23, 2002 04:16 AM 6278 Views

It was a horrible experience for me to have so many email accounts having nothing but junk .but then mailcity gave me a relief as one mail box which does not help in providing me junk messages .i had hotmail as well as yahoo mail ...and in both these accounts I used to get so many junk mail that I had to delete almost 95% of my mail just because it was nothing but junk mails.then I was suggested by one of my friend the mail service called MAILCITY.infact it reduced a lot of troubles to me as reduced a lot of my time on the net of deleting my unwanted mails .from then until today I have felt that mailcity was the mail I could trust is one among the mail service which gave me 5 mb space and was very comfortable .hotmail being the first email service provider was good in the beginning but then as time passed it started to have a lot of sponsorship and there by had a lot of people advertising in the mail so I used to get a lot of junk mail and hotmail also had only 2 mb of space which was really too low for a person ,cause if u have two message having pictures then u r going to doom....mailcity also had an option of a message being sent to a person who sent u mail during ur vacation .well these were a few of teh addition bonus which u get other than the mail service which offers u without junk , and then another thing is that this mail service very rarely goes down out of service ...and even if it does so it gives a message in advance that it is going down from this time to this time which allows us to switch to another service if we need to do so.

Voice Mail & More
Oct 26, 2001 08:33 AM 10981 Views

I originally selected this mail service because I thought, ''Hey, I need a new

account for all of my junk mail.'' I then later realized that MailCity is very


Sure all e-mail services seem the same. They all are. But this one has the abilitity

to check voice mail from your account and over the phone. Sure I never use the voice mail

but I feel special having a Voice Mail Account.

What I didn't like about this service was the way they made the layout. With a banner as frame

near the middle that increases the load time alot for someone with a slow connection like me.

What I like best about Mailcity is that I hardly ever get Junk Mail...unlike Hotmail getting nearly

50 Junk E-Mails a day. Mailcity has grown to me. I still prefer Yahoo! Mail over all of them, but

Mailcity comes in a close second.

Signing up for Mailcity also gives you access to Lycos Clubs, My Lycos, Angelfire, Tripod, and

many other Lycos features.

I give Mailcity a 3 of 5 Rating.

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