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Chess-Results Reviews

Creativity at it's peak!
Jul 15, 2018 07:39 AM2652 Views (via Android App)

Chees results is the best site to check upcoming tournaments and on going chess tournaments. I have been using this site from last 6-7 years and I'm so much comfortable with it. I'm a chess player and I'm playing chess from last 7 years.

It is also the best site to check pairings of a tournament.

As chessplayers know there are pairing displayed at the start of every round. After that the round is started according to the pairings. One can check his table number on this site from home or from anywhere else , he doesn't have to be on the pairings' venue to check the pairings.

And it is used all over the world to upload chess stuff so you can check out information of germany's tournament from Pune.

Really useful site and it also has a friendly and easy to use user interface. I also saves a lot of time and works in an efficient way.

I loved it. Best site to get chess updates.

Thank You!

Hope that helps.

Check ur iq level and how much ur sharpness
Jun 18, 2018 03:14 PM2345 Views

This is amazing and awesome and I am really interested in chess .I really like to play chess .chess is really minded game in games world.on this we also know about our skill rating .we also check your level to all other people.chess is really increase in growth of your iq level

Saria, Chhattisgarh, India India
Rules of chess and result
Apr 23, 2017 11:55 PM3378 Views (via Mobile)

This game playing is two parsons. this game result is one parson win and second parson is loss. sixty four boxes of two diamensonal in the game and 32 coins in the game 16 coin black and 16 coin is white.sixteen coin is sever and two coin is king .two coin is vajir.two coin is elephent. two coin is horse.and two coin is unt. this game is vety intresting and minded game .this game is my fevret.


Universal & best chess tournament database.
Sep 21, 2015 03:50 PM4330 Views (via Mobile)

This site is one of a kind. It has information about all the upcoming chess tournaments as well as on going and old tournaments. It's an extremely useful site for chess players.

One can check out the pairings of an ongoing tournament from this site. This is pretty useful because usually the pairings are updated first on this site and hence having checked the pairings one can start preparing for the next round immediately.

This site also gives the information about ratings of a chess player and how well or badly has he performed in a a particular tournament. One just has to click over a players name in the respective tournament list and one can get all the information about the player like his results and ratings of the opponent with whom he played, his rating increase / decrease etc.

We can also see the buchols in this site which is pretty useful for rechecking and confirmation of the calculations of two players with the same points.

We can also check out the list of players participating in a particular tournament prior to the tournament. This is useful for players who need to judge the strengh of the tournament before playing it.

This site provides information about almost all the tournaments happening all over the globe!

The only thing I would want them to improve upon is the design of the site. It's pretty dry and they can crank it up a bit!

It is indeed the best and the only site with all such tools! Love it!

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