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Adsenger Reviews

somewhere United States of America
Leah is running from this one, running fast!!!
Nov 09, 2001 10:56 AM 3153 Views

I joined this program over a year ago with promises to earn money by viewing commercials. You are suppose to get big bucks for viewing commercials with this new high tech system they have. I am still in the twilight zone with this one! Read on!

From The Website of Adsenger

Make Money ''Make money any time you are connected to the net, even if you are not an avid surfer! Whenever you are connected to the net, you have the option of accepting ads to view. View them only when you are free - You are in total control! Have a slow connection? No problem! Adsenger does not slow down your connection speed while you surf the internet!'' (I have found this not to be true) ''When you are not viewing ads, you can still be making money! Think this is a great opportunity? Tell your friends about us and when they view ads, you can get paid for it too. The earning potentials are unlimited!'' (This was not true either and I am still wondering What Potentials?)

Possible Amounts to Earn

''Make up to $10 for viewing a commercial! Every advertisement that you decide to view from us, we will pay you for your time and effort!'' (Nope, never happened!) ''Make from 5 to 10 cents whenever you choose to read an Instant Ad Message™. Instant Ad Messages™ are the fast and easy way for you to make money. One major advantage of Instant Ad Messages™ is: No email flood, unlike most paid email programs! Also, our referral system also applies to Instant Ad Messages™, so it's like money being delivered right to your desktop! When an Instant Ad Message is available, just double click on the Adsenger™ icon to accept the ad. Read the message from our advertisers and earn money for it! Very easy and no need to check email! If you have used instant messaging before, you will know how simple and painless it is!'' (Nope, this didn't happen either! Except the painless part, never felt a thing, much less seen many ads!)

Earn with Referrals

Not in this lifetime! No one wanted to stay, and I don't blame him or her. The concept was a good idea, and what adds I did get, I believe 5 in over a year! Direct Referrals Indirect Level 1 Indirect 20% Level 2 Indirect 10% Level 3 Indirect 10% Level 4 Indirect 10% Of course there is no spamming allowed. There is a fact area that you should read first.

My Response

Not much of a response from me. I have not been happy with this program at all! I have earned a whopping .55 cents with these people. What referrals I did have dropped out because no ads were coming. That's the problem, no ads come to you at all. I have to admit though, the few I did get, were cool to look at! Just not as many as promised. And I also have to admit that the little man, who sat down in the bar of my computer was cool. He made me think of a robotic figurine. And there was a bell that alarmed when an add was ready. Once, I kept hearing this noise and I couldn't figure out what it was. I kept thinking my computer was broke. So I rebooted only to keep hearing that sound! About an hour after hearing that sound I finally noticed the little guy flashing. ''Well I be, I have an add!'' I said. ''What a surprise!'' It had been so long since I had received an add that I had forgotten what the little man sounded like when an ad was ready! This is when I left the program. I have cut my losses, (it's not like I couldn't afford to, .55 cents is not even enough for a good cup of coffee!) I have canceled my account with my referrals and advise anyone to do so. Leave them alone. They don't answer your emails, and they don't have a good program to earn money with at all. This program is not even for the birds! I hope that this has helped in some kind of way.

God Bless!



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