This bike dealer of daltonganj is the only bike dealer and its the compulsion of people residing here to visit this place to make a purchase.
This is the reasone I went to this showroom to make my purchase of Apache 180 rtr , but after I visited this place I was shocked to here people shouting over the staff for some kind of delay that was made by them, but I didnt care for what was going over there and then I talked to the staff in relation to my purchase.
The financial plans was nkt at all good, the intrest rate was quiet high as compared to others, the plan was not displayed to me in a cristal clear way .
After I purchase my bike from there I went for my first service but the service not up to mark .the problem which I told him was left as it was I was realy dissatisfied from the made service.
After I complained about my problem noboody was paying attention to my words, in the showroom the bla bla was going on. After that I lost my patience and shouted over them to solve my issue, this action of my was not good but I was bound to do that.
The time period given by the showroom was quiet long but I had nonissue with it. But when I went to thr showroom to take my bike he told mr that it will take more time for about to be dilivered next day.
Overall I was really dishartend to make my purchase and service at this bike store.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.