Over the years I have seen quite a few televisions sets come and go IN OUR HOME. You're right ! It's these exchange offers which keep tempting you to try out something other than what you already own. Ring out the old, ring in the new...that's the order of the day, and here goes my list in order of their replacements: EC TV (20'' B.& W), Crown (The first, original, 14'' with lovely natural color picture tube, sadly, stolen!), Onida JVC (20'' color TV. Neighbour's envy, Owner's Pride!), BPL (21'' Flat & Square, a very dependable model lasting almost 5years, till exchanged) and finally NOW, a PHILIPS Digital Cinema Surround, 21'' Colour TV (21PT3462/94R) **(Please do not confuse this model with another Surround Sound model which is cheaper than this one, by about Rs.4000/-)
It is a square, smart looking silver grey set, with all controls at the base of the screen (nothing on the sides), This brings out the Flat 21'' screen prominently, making viewing a great pleasure even from the sides. The Digital Cinema Surround works beautifully with unique surround speakers (additional external speakers), which offer a real cinematic experience at a touch of the Remote.
The Remote is easy to handle:
CINEMA button activates the Surround Speakers and also switches on advanced features such as Contrast plus, Noise Reduction, bass-treble levels !
SMART Picture switch gives a choice of Rich, Soft, Natural or Personal tone to Picture
SMART Sound switch gives a choice of Theatre, Music, Voice or Personal adjustments to sound
All these features give a viewer a mind-boggling experience. The picture quality is extremely good and so is the sound clarity. We have this model since almost a year and are very happy with it. The service too is surprisingly prompt.
I would definitely recommend this PHILIPS Model :It is a MATCHLINE 21'' Digital Surround Sound Colour TV (21PT3462/94R).
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.