This review is about the latest musical genius of AR Rahman in the form of Yuva.
Music: AR Rahman
Director: Mani Rathnam
Number of Songs: Six.
Music Cassette:INR 55, Venus Tapes
My Personal Favorite: Anjaane
Rating: Extra-Strong
{Attn MS citizens my rating for all reviews from hence forth would follow the scale: Extra-Strong(Excellent), Strong(good), Mild(okay). I wont write for products falling under this category}.
Untamed Power, unleashed energy and undying youth- Yuva.
Youth runs in my blood and shall be there till I reach my death.
Yuva- yet another wonderful piece of work from the little maestro. It seems Mani Rathnam and AR Rahman believe in creating nothing less than magic. And AR Rahman probably gets a new life when in company of Mani- Roja, Bombay, Dil se and now Yuva. Rahman seems to be back, as three new albums have released close 2 each other-Meenaxi, Yuva, I cannot remember the 3rd one.
I was in a music store browsing through latest categories when I bumped into Rahmans latest venture, Yuva. I picked it because of the name attached to it and I don?t regret my decision. Though a good mixture of beats and racy tunes, the album could have been more weighty had it been a bit longer and a bit softer.
The opening song for all albums matter a lot for it carries the strength to retain the listeners attention. Dhakka Lagga Bukka (Karthik, Rahman and Mehboob) is one such song which emerges successful in its mission. The lyrics O yuva o yuva , baja re banja mashaal e raah put me on the fifth gear and I like the song because of the building excitement associated with it. It is appealing but not very good. My personal favorite is the next song of this album.
Khuda hafiz starts on a soft note, gentle and slow, as if two lovers are in the act?..and then suddenly it erupts, the passion and the madness. I like this song. Lucky Ali has done a commendable job, the piano rhythm is good.Rhman has used his creativity in the song to good effect.Four minute song runs on the same beat which at times is annoying yet my FAV.
Kabhi Neem is another good song, vocals lyrics and the composition are ?creative- best of AR. The track iam told has a ballad harmony attached to it(Singer-Madhushree). Another track is Baadal. Good but not the best. When I first started on this album, I was attached to only two songs but now its growing.
Fanna the final rendition is a beautiful piece by AR.In addition Rahman?s vocals are left to impress as he completely takes control of this song. Rahman picks up where Dol Dol left off and composes another fast-tempo disco song. I have a feeling that the different kind or the versatility attached with this number will attract the masses to it.
Yuva- which when translated 2 english stands for youth. This album is defiantly fresh and youthful. Not one of the best from AR but very good, the best was Vande Matram.
I like this album also because of not what it is but because what it promises....that there is more to Rahman. The best is yet 2 come.
This review is dedicated 2 one of my special friends on MS-Youth is a state of mind.
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