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Zonealarm Firewall Reviews

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mumbai India
Dec 20, 2012 11:58 AM3479 Views

I am using zonealarm - free antivirus + firewall from quite long and i can say that it's best best in it's class.It's completely free and fully functional that's great advantage in it.Gets updated daily and easily.

Just download it install it..n be safer than cyber world.It's a presentation from checkpoint software technologies a very reputed and world fame i.t company.It's corporate's first choice too..

So don't wait...just download now..and place urself in a never like ever safer place.It's a freeware..

ZoneAlarm Free Firewall blocks hackers from infiltrating your home PC by hiding your computer from unsolicited network traffic. By detecting and preventing intrusions, ZoneAlarm Free Firewall keeps your PC free from viruses that slow down performance, and spyware that steals your personal information, passwords, and financial data.

Essential firewall protection

Be invisible to others online

New interface makes it even easier - smaller size keeps it light

Systematically identifies hackers and blocks access attempts





Palghat India
Zone alarm ----Nice as a Firewal
Mar 18, 2007 11:51 AM7674 Views

hey gus. when I read some of the revies about this zone alarm I cant get only some negative results. i think it is better to use zonealrm.and I am using it,

As an firewall it is sufficirnt.i didnt mean Zone labs internet security.just Zone alarm firewall.

i have been usinh this firewall for maore than 6 months.Indeed I fell browsing better . otherwise .there will be lots of problems withot firewall.

Thsi is so good that you can make your surfing faster .by denying the automatic updates of any media players.a or any software.

A zonealarm firewall and a small antivirus prgm( like Avg free) makes u r pc an f1

And you can remove or enable any time .during system startup.u can turn it on whenu browse only.and it makes the sytem booting faster when it needs to be manually loadedwhenever needed.

You can trust this fiirewall because .it servers better in protecting programs and unauthorised access from internet.

Bangalore India
Zone ALarm security-An irritating Act
Aug 11, 2006 11:16 AM7678 Views

Dear Freinds & Members,

Anbdy has plans to install Zone alarm internet security thn it means you are wasting you valuable time.After Installation those restrictions you gt is completely annoying.Always when you start up the computer those annoying updates request and you cnt evn install a single software on ur machine.

If you are going to browse thn its frustating cos evn jst to open google page it takes a hell a lot of time and downloading you cn nvr do it coz of the restriction put by the software.

Request to everybdy no to zone alarm but cn opt for the cool norton wch is far better than the above software.

Norton is far better than zone cos for the simple fact the u gt all the updates on daily basis and norton internet security is really good enough.Coming to the firewall , it does protect you from unwanted spams and viruses.All the readers shud keep in mind tht you always use an licensed version of the software so tht you are protected 100%.Using an pirated one wud lead you to prob means ur system is nt 100% protected.

Utill my nxt review take care bye.


Zonealarm Firewall
Well Well !!
Oct 27, 2005 06:15 PM7333 Views

Ok you install Zone Alarm and it tells you it has blocked a thousand attempts to access your computer after a few weeks.

Well who are the bad guys , you never know? Zone Alarm tells you they are very bad guys and you have to accept it

Then after a few months you finds there are multiple low life known as Trojans spyware etc on your computer through Spybot

What was zone Alarm doing? You buy another of their software

Then you find out there are Das through Adware.

What was Zone Alarm doing? You got to buy another Zonealarm product

The\n you find out there are viruses through AVG anti virus

what was zone alarm doing?

You buy another Zone Alarm

Then your password gets stolen, then your computer crashes because someone hacked your Registry, your homepage gets reset,you get hundreds of unsolicited emails suggesting you grow your P... 3 inches more (poor wifey) buy Viagra, see some whoreo(sic) being done unimagineable things.

Well well well, it gets hotter than hell where was Zone Alarm?

Got it ! buy another of their Manna from heaven ad infinitum. Slog away earn to keep Zone Alarm healthy.

Who said it is a sane world.

Zone Alarm review
Oct 18, 2005 10:43 PM5710 Views

One thing most people assume is that a firewall protects ur pc only from inbound connections. Think again. Yes a firewall does protect u from inbound intrusion attempts, but it also prevents some programs from ur pc to connect to the net. And zone alarm is very good at it.

One of the many excellent softwares form zonelabs, zone alarm does what it says it will do. Installation is simple. I wudnt say that about the usage though. More on this later in the review.

When set up on ur pc, it immediately swings into action. For example when u connect to the net and open any website, it will warn u that ur browser ( I assume u use firefox ) is trying to connect to the internet. This is a perfect example of an outbound access attempt. Of course, u have to click yes. Other such programs such as windows media player and even winamp or any other when started will try to access the internet. The reason is simple. To put in simple words, they simply register a 'ping' on their website, so that the count of the number of the users using that particular program increases. Of course, if u designed a software, wudnt u want more people to use it?

This is a problem for dialup users though. If u allow such software to connect to the net, they take up ur bandwidth, not exactly a bad point. And yes the good ol winamp will also ask ur permission as well. With zone labs u can decide which program shud access the net and which shud not. U can do this by clicking on allow or deny when the outbound access warning baloon pops up. Zone labs merely stops a program in its tracks when it attempts to connect and u have the final judgement. More like a gatekeeper and a very good one too ! Inbound attempts are also stopped. As of now, ZA shows me that 27999 inbound attempts have been stopped, 1168 of them have been rated as high. A point to note here is that not all inbound access attempts are dangerous, but a few of them are.

One con in ZA is the complexity. Though it offers some help on unknown programs, some first time users just dont know which program has to be allowed and which not. For example if u dont allow windows automatic updates to connect to the net, u will never get crucial updates !

But they say, something is better than nothing. Once u get used to it, u never need to bother about intrusion attempts. And yes, u can alter the access of programs later, like changing deny to allow, later on.

A very good software, a must for anyone who is interested in keeping thier pc safe.

Who hit the alarm?
Aug 03, 2003 09:01 AM3859 Views

In a country like India where dial-up accounts is a ruling major choice of indian surfers firewalls like zone alarm doesnt seem to fit in the picture.Zone Alarm is too expensive for the indian market and a average internet user.Firewalls are only meet the needs of security of broadband users,ISDN,DSL and servers which stay online more than 4-5 hours.If you have Windows 2000 and keep your system up to date with Windows Update, Zone Alarm not only does not work, but it halts all your programs and Windows until you can get it uninstalled. Their own user board confirms that they are aware of the problem but do not know how to fix it. It looks pretty and I'm sure it might be a nice piece of software, but give me a break! Firewall software that forces you to choose between having security gaps in your programs or having thier firewall is no choice at all. The new rules require a degree in networking. After a couple of days of p2p activity ZA4 was using over 50% of cpu and consuming over 100mb of RAM & VM, each. Shutting down ZA was the only way to free it back up. This has been a problem for quite a while.

However on the other side Zone Alarm is very easy to install and setup. Blocks about 99% of all hackers, cookies etc. Everything in this program is easy to opperate by just a click of a button or a slider bar. Password protection of your settings assure no tampering of your firewall. Detailed information of what was blocked with program descriptions and icons. Stops webbugs cold, pop-up ads, junk cookies and etc.

In the end I just want to mention that ZAPro is for servers, not home users. Power users will be dissappointed. Once they set it up, they can forget its there.

coral springs United States
Zone ALarm
Jul 13, 2003 12:13 PM3382 Views

I think so far zone alarm is great but how great is it???How do I know if people are still hacking my pc?And wat would you say the best firewall protector is?So far zone alarm has protected me from 60 intrusions and I just install on july 13 at 2:15am!Thats good but what if 60 out of 150 people tried......that would mean 90 people hacked my pc.....Please answer me too questions...Thank you so much....ANd yes I know this was an opinion bored but I had to ask a question.BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH(got to waste words

Support not available
Oct 07, 2002 04:03 PM3316 Views

I bought Zone Alarm 3.x about 4 months ago. I have had problems with it from the start. The software does seem to do what it is supposed to, but creates a lot of errors on my PC. I have repeatedly asked ZoneLabs for help.

I went to the ZoneLabs website, which states ''...Our technical support staff is here to... help you solve a technical problem.'' They also state that they will give preference to customers that purchased their software, and that you will receive help the same day or the next.

I am very surprised that they would write that, considering I have had 2 cases running since I bought the software, and I have never had ANY help from them what so ever! The help they are talking about is an automated email basically saying 'download the latest updates'. Wow! Very helpful! After that, they never treated my case individually, and about once a month I receive an email giving solutions to their 5-7 most common cases (I imagine that's what they are!).

Conclusion: Buy the software, if you dare, for what it is good at, but do not expect any support at all if it goes wrong.

Protect yourself online
Mar 21, 2002 03:10 AM4301 Views

Be secure Online

The Internet is a dangerous place to be even though it is not immediately obvious. Every time you are online, your PC is part of a huge network and is uniquely identifiable by its IP number. Anyone experienced enough and interested enough in your machine can easily by exploiting the arious vulnerabilities in the Windows operating system. Windows 98/ME being more insecure than windows 2000/XP.

This is more so for people on permanent connections like cable/broadband and fixed IP DSL that makes there IP number the same even after the PC has been restarted. The machine is then a fixed target for hackers and if you shut down your PC with the hacker's job incomplete, he can resume when you are online next. Dynamic IP numbers as in dial up connections make it a little more difficult as they are moving targets.

What Zonealarm does. Zonealarm makes your PC invisible. Someone just scannning IP number for potential victims will not be able to see your computer. Even if he knows you are there and knows your IP number, ZoneAlarm will still prevent access to your PC. In both cases you will be alerted (you can choose to hide these alerts).

Trojan Protection. There are programs called trojans that will let others hack into your computer easily and they in fact provide the means for them to connect to your PC and do everything as if they were sitting on your chair. Zonealarm after installation asks you whenever any program tries to access the internet and you can choose to let it access everytime. So if you are asked if you want to let a program called say Subseven access the net, and you never knew you had a program like that say no, investigate and then say yes.

Email protection. Most viruses today are spread through email. Antivirus programs cannot protect you against the latest viruses unless they release the updates and you download them. Zonealarm (only the Pro version)blocks all potentially dangerous attachments like exe vbs pif and others and prevents you from running them unless you say you trust the file. In short you have to scream,''Yes I want a virus infection.''

Conclusion. Zonealarm is the best first level defense for your computer online. You want more features, get the paid for PRO version or else the free version is OK too.

Any queries just contact me

Dr. Bijlani

My Protector
Mar 13, 2002 10:32 PM5788 Views

Morpheus was recently attacked by DoS (Denial Of Service) attack. Well, if you use it to download free music, then let me tell you something you did not know – It was your PC that caused the attack.

Didn’t mean to scare you but IS IT POSSIBLE?

Not quite with a dial up connection, since the IP address is dynamically allotted. But if you have T1, T3, DSL i.e “always on” connection, then your IP address is fixed. Hackers, who snoop the NET can then break into your computer and use it and its high-speed connection to serve as an instrument to perform a Denial of Service (DoS) attack across the Internet. Even bigwigs like Yahoo and Hotmail suffered heavy losses.

(DoS means the software generates data packets, say http requests, and bombards these to a particular web site, continuously using your PC’s high speed connection. This clogs the bandwidth and prevents genuine http requests from accessing the servers. It may cause your PC to stall or crash too.)

What else can one do?

Imagine a good program, a flash file with a beautiful message about friendship and love, cute photos, teddy bears and your friend mailed it to you. Now this cute program captures information about your PC, your credit card information, your on-line transaction details and very sweetly opens some ports on your PC.

(Ports are like gateways or channels for data flow to and fro from your PC. There are several ports. Eg. Port 80 is where http requests travel, smtp (mail) data moves from port 25, whereas pop3 mail data transfers are from port 110. etc.)

Now that the port (read locker) is open, you must be naïve to expect not being robbed!

“Thanks pal, you’ve been so kind to me by lending me your credit card and bank account number. I owe my new car, DVD player, CD collection to you. Sir/Madam, please be kind enough to pay my bills. It will come to you in your monthly statement. Thanx once again!”

F1, F1…i.e. Help! Help! What do I do?

First get a good virus scanner (read my review on Norton Anti-virus 2002).

Second get a good Firewall.

Third be aware, educate yourself about the “dangers” lurking on the NET and apprise yourself of the latest updates and developments by subscriptions to websites like Ciol, Symantec, McAfee etc.

(Firewall are software tools, a technology, that helps prevent intruders from accessing data on your personal computer via the Internet or another network, by keeping unauthorized data from entering or exiting your system. There are hardware firewalls that should be best suited for CIA, FBI, BARC etc, enterprise level softwares that Mr. Gates can purchase for his home PC and softwares like personal firewall that best suits you and me.)

ZONEALARM: Yeh hi right choice baby

Ok this is very costly, its available at and at a whooping cost of $0.00. Yes! Its FREE! And it’s the best firewall available with many awards.

Download & Setup

I took me 5 minutes to download the 2.8 MB file and 1 min to install. The setup is easy and all one has to do is press “Next”.

Easy interface

The topic of hackers and IP address and TCP/IP fundas…may seem that such a program be best installed by the installer or the champ next door. Wrong! It’s a piece of cake for a person who has just learnt how to boot a PC. Sorry for the exaggeration!

It has easy to navigate buttons:

1) Alerts – Tells you of the recent alerts (about flow of data) and logs these alerts to a text file.

2) Lock – Allows to stop NET activity, allows to configure locking such as lock connection to Internet after xx minutes or when screen saver starts etc.

3) Security – No advance custom settings here. There are 2 parts – local (Intranet) or Internet that can be given different settings for security. Again these are kept simple as high/medium/low that has fixed settings such as block net, file/printer sharing, hide ports etc

4) Programs – That allows certain programs (user specified) to access net or act as servers (for chat, messengers, Netscape etc) OR block other programs through auto learning or ticking or crossing against the application name in the list that builds as one uses them.

5) Configure – that allows/prevents Zone Alarm to stay in system tray, or load at start up etc.

The help button, lock and emergency STOP button (that stops all internet activity immediately) are nice and BIG. The lock and stop options are also available by right clicking on an icon in system tray. And if that is not sufficient, one can a have a broad Zone Alarm desk band on taskbar.

The icon in system tray is dynamic. When net is off – it shows ZA, when its on one can see red and green flickering lights that indicate data being uploaded/downloaded. When you enable lock or stop net activity, the icon is replaced by lock. When your alert setting is such that pop-ups should not occur, the icon displays a red flashing signal.

The Technology

Data packets carry some header information such as source/destination IP address and port details, browser name and version, the request and data. Some of these packets may be “nasty”. A personal firewall software scans the ports for such data packets and filters them out. How they weed differs from program to program and also on hackers intelligence. Earlier firewalls used to check only the name and port path of a program to see if it is legitimate. Today Zone Alarm probes right up to application layer by using a checksum method. “Checksum” is a way to check the actual coding of an application to come up with a very precise sum of its “internal makeup”. If it does not match – it blocks.

What I particularly liked about Zone Alarm is that it does this blocking and guarding job equally good at two fronts – Local or intranet and Internet. It allows different settings for the two. LAN has office people sharing file/printer and can be trusted, so one can set medium or low. Damn it! Its because of Zone Labs that I caught my friend put those wicked photographs on my PC. The Internet will naturally need a “high” setting.

Another useful feature here is the log feature. It is here (C:\Windows\Internet logs\ZALog.txt) that one can see all the attempts that had been made to access your PC or any program that tries to connect to Internet. Thankfully, there has been no breach!

Other bonus featuresThe settings can be saved and password protected. Then again there is Mail Safe feature that scans incoming mails for VBScript files (*.vbs) that are notorious and potential viruses and quarantines them by making them *.zl files.


Zone Alarm 2.6 is indeed a reliable security guard for my PC and its Free. It does block all ports and officials like CNET etc have awarded it after checking its abilities as the best firewall – both in terms of its powerful performance and easy interface. However, advanced users that may understand nitty-gritty of TCP/IP and prefer customized settings, should go for Sygate’s Personal Firewall. I vouch for Zone Alarm as 5/5.

Zone Alarm Pro 3 is just released for $50 and free version i.e. Zone Alarm 3.0 will come in April

A MUST for people with broadband Conn.
Mar 02, 2001 03:46 AM3835 Views

Hacking - Its a piece of cake nowadays. With hacking becoming easier day by day, companies get opportunities to bring out new products - it brings them more business.

They probably encourage hacking at one end too.

One of such products is the Zone Alarm Firewall. Basically a Firewall is a virtuall barrier for anyone getting into your system. Kinda like a watch man - someone comes to your computers door - watchman asks for his id and if you have that person in your list, the watchman lets him go in. Then again, there are several levels of security. You might just want the person to stay at a certain level. You can set that in ZoneAlarm and you do not need to be experienced at all. It guides you through each and every step.

You DO NOT have to shut it down when you are using napster. It will pop up a dialogue asking you if you want Napster to access the internet, and thats where you give permission for napster to go thru the firewall. It does this for all software needing to access the internet.

It also saves a daily report log file, storing information on the number of people who tried to access your pc, tried to ping it and so on.

ZoneAlarm is a necessity for all the people using broadband connection and is the best FREE Security Software in market at the moment..

(Btw, my company Cyquester Technologies Inc. is releasing the Beta version of such software pretty soon. Let me know if you are interested in beta testing :)

Feb 04, 2001 12:44 AM4108 Views

An excellent software to protect your pc while logged on to the Net. The latest version 2.1.44 is free to dwonload. Its a small file, downloads pretty quickly and installs easily. It can be downloaded from or or Most PC magazines have rated it extrelmely high (one of the best). It loads itself at start up (you have the option to disable the this ''load at start up'' if you want). It remains active on the system tray and monitors and blocks any other person or establishment from getting information about your comp, or a hacker from ''getting into'' your PC..(this is possible while you are logged on). The best feature is its ability to inform the user immediately when somebody tries gain access in your PC, thus securing your privacy as well as depriving a hacker from his/her mischief. Not only does it infrom (via a small pop-up window) that there has been an attempt to get into your PC but it also informs who is trying to ''get into'' your PC, in the form of the numeric address of the site from wher the attempt has been made.

I am using this from past 3 months. Initially I got several messages of attempts being made to ''get in'' my pc...Surprise..Surprise...most addresses zonealarm showed, started with when I tried to ''go '' to the page loaded...but in the status bar ...90% of read some page related to the drift?...It makes me the rumour about MS leaving ''holes'' in IE to gain information about the softwares of your computer is true??? ...Untill I started using Zonealarm, I never believed this..but now....!!!

The only hinderance you can face is while using may have to temporily ''shutdown'' Zonealarm while using Napster to download and share MP3 files. But this can be easily done by simply right-clicking the zonealarm icon in the sys-tray.


Zonealarm Firewall