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Shareaza Reviews

Toronto Canada
Shareaza Changing P2P
Jun 01, 2003 11:19 PM 6102 Views

Shareaza is simply at the epitome of perfectness. Shareaza is only relatively young ''about a year and a half old'', but it constantly is featured in sites such as,, and Shareaza is a spyware and adware free client catered to file sharers of all kind. It is a small size of about 1.95MB, but it has many features. The following are the primary features of Shareaza, these features make Shareaza stand out.

  • eD2k support, and BT support

  • File Rating, and advanced Meta-Data schema's

  • Media Player --> Plays all types of media, including divx

  • Advanced library window, supports Physical or Virtual Modes

  • Skinabble GUI

  • Multi-Lingual --> Support for other Languages

  • Support for Sha1, TTH, eD2k, and BT hashes. The file is always verified.

  • Dynamic uploads, which can filter uploads based on TAGS ''Release, Hot Demand, ... endless user created TAGS''

... Over 150 other features are in Shareaza. These are nothing compared to the many others.

Download it at

Anytown USA
The best P2P app I've seen
Aug 10, 2002 04:53 PM 5721 Views

Shareaza is simply the best P2P app that I've found yet. It's very small, and very stable. There are no annoying popup ads or spyware, nor do they try to coerce you into buying a commercial version (there isn't one!) It's totally free, and it just works great from the moment you install it. It's very configurable, so you can optimize it for your particular system if you like. It runs on the Gnutella network, so the selection of files to download is slightly less than that of FastTrack/Kazaa, but IMO it more than makes up for it with its great features and stability that Kazaa lacks. Generally you can expect Shareaza's frequent new version releases to have cutting-edge features that will take other P2P apps months to catch up to.

Best Gnutella client out there
Aug 09, 2002 08:44 PM 6511 Views

A very robust and stable client. Has all the features of other clients, and then some (really, this is where Gnutella is being developed). It's at the forefront. The userinterface is very easy to understand and you should be able to download your songs and videoes within minutes. It has no spyware, adware or even ads of any kind.

Simply the client of choice.

If you want to get started with the Gnutella filesharing network, this is the easy way in, without sacrificing the features that ensures a great experience, for novices aswell as experts.

So what are you waiting for, go grab it. oh yeah, it's completely free! :)



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