Same interface for Ledger /Customer/Supplier
SMS Scheme.Mobilenumbers, Email added in ledger
Extra Accounts entry added to facilitate entry of values affecting sales bill for eg: additional sales tax can be calculated easily
Option to delete a batch
Date format sensor for all transactions
A simple payroll suitable for small shops( attendance, Daily advance to staffs, salary statements and payslips)
Payroll and attendance register with auto accounts posting
StockHistory window modified with party and voucher Number
Bank Reconciliation with reconciliation date
Smart restriction application settings after data entry done .
Introduced auto roundoff in sales
Strict Qty and Amount decimals for transaction windows
Restructured Order Window
Advanced activity monitor
Mail integration
Multiple company opening
Printer selection option for Windows print
Application settings window Redesigned
SMS integration
Cheque register with party details
Redesigned all transaction windows for better presentation
Pgraded all controls to XP/vista/windows 7 format
Option to change daybook format in application settings
Registration with HDD CPU MotherBoard and Cd key
Periodical Registration enabled. Dealer can request for cd registration till a specified date
Version History introduced to list all the systems in I biz network and restrict working of older versions
Budget and variance analysis included
Strict Password policy adopted for database connectivity
Auto backup separated from main application.
New voucher ‘Stock Adjustment’ introduced
Physical Stock Voucher based on actual stock introduced
Purchase tax splitup on the basis of Sales Tax Percentages
Report designer modified for column reordering and functions like sum and average included
Report Period for current date, month and financial year included Printing side Print designer option to print any field on first of table
Option to manage trailing space for fields
Included windows Print and dosprint for all vouchers
Excluded old fast print formats to provide more scalability Sales Extra Accounts entry added
Agent option added and auto commission positing to accounts
New improved cash desk with denomination, Gift Coupon, parking charges features
Party address shown in sales window
Keyboard shortcuts in transaction windows
Delivery Note Processing
Sales Enquiry processing
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