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Guitar Chords Laboratory Reviews

shankarrajamuriMouthShut Verified Member
Dahisar India
Accortics guitar
Sep 26, 2018 04:36 PM 338 Views (via Android App)

Guitar is attractive and Issey instrument

To use I have acorstics guitar first time I have purchased the guitar that time and

I played I fund many of pain in my finger

I thought I will drop the guitar but one month practice is meking perfect.

Than I piking the chords C, D E. Em. F. G A. Am. B. Bm.

I have played this all chords

Guitar is so issy but with practice

One good thing in guitar instrument is

Play music in guitar and singing play with guitar I love the guitar

It is a awsome softerware
May 19, 2018 02:19 AM 665 Views (via Android App)

It is a awsone software for for beginner guitar playing videos and experts it software provide best cord it is the best way to learn guitar and lessons it is very best and other software nothing in front of it I like this out alot so much I am using this software since 2 years and I am still using this I didn't get any problem

Guitar library
Mar 16, 2017 10:35 AM 1404 Views (via Android App)

All your chords progression is here , you can find all the chord diagrams and confusing notes only on guitar chords labrotary , hard to play the chords ? Confusing guitar diagrams now you can play all the chords from guitar chords labrotary also you can find many chord progression for song writer its easy to make a new song from guitar chords labrotory , this app provides the maximum chords needed for you , you will never me unsatisfied with this app its very good to your guitar learning and begineers , I recommend you to use this apps for ypur guitar learning and this app will help you very much , all you need to do is download this app and learn every chorda in your guitar


Guitar Chords Laboratory
Mar 02, 2017 04:23 PM 1303 Views (via Android App)

This is a amazing.guitar chords laboratory help me on guitar play. I am not play the guitar before 5 & 6 month but today I am play best guitar and learn guitar chords esly. Guitar chords laboratory help me on adjusting finger in every guitar chords and the chords laboratory help us every beginner to play the top guitar. After 5 month I am play best guitar rytm and leading parts .thanx to guitar chords laboratory

--: strike the right chords :--
Sep 05, 2005 11:03 PM 2232 Views

When you brush a piece of plastic or your fingers on a bunch of strings, you get to experience one of the greatest joys in life. Yet most people tend to avoid the guitar for fear of failure. Take it from me - the guitar is an easy instrument to play (but like every instrument, a hard one to master).

With that bit out of the way... time to review this real cool utility - Guitar Chords Laboratory

If you dont like the prospects of learning a musical instrument or the guitar is not your speed, you can skip this review altogether :)


Part 1: Guitar Chord Primer for NEWBIES!


So whats a chord again?

The musical alphabet has 12 letters or 12 notes to work with. They are C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A# and B (the # symbol indicates a SHARP note). You create melodies by playing notes in a sequence. A chord is something that lends a strong sonic statement on which you can build songs.

A chord is a bunch of musical notes that you play together to create a rich, strong, melodic sound. For Example - to play a C chord you have to play the C note, the E note and the G note together. Which means, you combined three notes to form the C chord.

In the above example, the C note is called the ROOT note.

One more example - to play an F major chord you have to play the F, A and C notes together... in this case the F note is the ROOT!

On a guitar

To form a chord, you have to use the fingers on your non-strumming hand (the left one in the case of a right hander) to push the right strings down. It might sound tough at the beginning but chip away.

So are there different types of chords?

Yes... there are. Here are some:

  1. Major Chords - chords which have a happy sound to it.

  2. Minor Chords - chords which have a melancholic sound to it.

  3. Seventh Chords - these are used in blues and rock n roll a lot.

  4. Diminished Chords

  5. Augmented Chords

  6. Suspended Chords

and so on... there are a whole lot of them.

But does one need to learn all of these?

No. If you learn just four chords - the C major, F major, G major and A minor - you can play hundreds of songs like Down On The Corner by CCR. The first goal should be to build a vocabulary of 15-20 commonly used chords.

And how does one learn how to form chords....


Part 2: Guitar Chords Laboratory --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This is a valuable tool that combines a GUITAR TUNER, a CHORD BOOK, a very cool LYRICS MANAGER and some other sweet features.

The Guitar Tuner helps you tune your strings by playing out each note so that you can tweak the string to sound right. The standard tuning for a guitar is (from fat string to thin string) E A D G B E

The Chord Book is the main part of the software. It shows you how each and every chord can be constructed on the guitar. You get to hear how the chord sounds too.

My favourite section of the Laboratory is the Lyrics Manager. Its a great tool to write down lyrics and chords and it has a very useful TRANSPOSE function (which helps alter a song's music to suit one's voice).

The interface is pretty and functional. Its not free but its worth paying 30 dollars for if you are a musician or someone who's chipping away at the guitar.




Listen to me and listen very carefully... get that guitar out or invest in one. All it takes is a little bit of dedication, some good reading material and utilities like this one. In a months time you can learn around 20 chords that will open a whole new world... a world of guitar music!

Go for it...


Atleast download this software and fool around... its got some real nice features and you get to hear some musical notes being strummed or plucked....

You can download this software from:

I reviewed this one because its a topic close to my heart... thanks for reading

And if this review is a bit confusing, head to the comment section or M2M me... always willing to share whatever little I know...

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