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Supported file formats : jpg, png, and jpeg


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FotoTrans V3 Reviews

ram94MouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
Made Big Size Fotos transfer Easy and Fast !!
Jul 27, 2015 03:55 PM 6186 Views

Fototrans is a software for transferring high quality Photos over any distance without reducing the quality of photos.

This software has ben developed by TellerSoft Pvt Ltd and is really a boon for photographers and Color labs.

We can not transfer Files with big size through mail, the normal quality of Photos captured by the professional photographers size goes from 10 mb to even 25 mb which is difficult to transfer through online.

It is very difficult to Transfer such photos fast and without effecting the quality of the photographs.

This software is perfect solution for that, we can transfer any number of photographs of any size at any distance using this software.

You just need to know the log in Id and password of the system to whom you are sending and connect online, then select the files you wish to send and send it, these files automatically gets transfered from your system to other persons system.

And all you need is to download and install Windows .NET frames version 2 and fototrans software which is available for free in


Transfer big size files easily and fast.

Just need to install software and have good internet connection.

Files directly gets transfered to the other parties hard disk.

Photos quality remains as it is and if you want to send compressing you have that option too.

Can unlimited foto's no restrictions.

It gets transferred in a folder with same name as you have saved in your system.


When overloded say above 400 fotos gets stuck a bit.

No nptification is provided after complting the transfer.

Other than that a  super software free of cost and really helpful, I have been using this software for 3 yo 4 years!


FotoTrans V3

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