The zopo color M4 phone is very good body desgin , its is slim and slik to his bake side and also very good bake cover to finish with this phone .
The phone have runnung on 6.0 marsmallo. this is best from other low rate phones .
CAMERA. Zopo M4 is normal camera on both side fornt side is 2mp and back is 5mp camera for shoot a picture and video also attched with LED flash on the back pannel.
MEMORY ; M4 have normal memory with 1 gb ram and also extenal momery extand to 32gb with yours Sd card .
SOUND QUALTY; M4 is vey good and cler sound qualty to compare other low rate phone , THe audio speker is very good and the mic of thgis phone is so good .
BATTERY; Zopo have good battery backup and also running aone day with full of used internet and also listing song and seen the video on this phone is best battry backup.
Network, ZOpo M4 is 4G enable sim if mean you used a jio sim and enjoy high speed internet on this phone.
The phone have full of vaule of money . You buy as normal phone with many featrure buy this phone Zopo Color M4 is best low raqge prize smart phone I have ever seen .
buy this phone .