May 18, 2021 10:29 PM
(Updated May 19, 2021 12:17 PM)
I started taking Zandu Pancharishta as I was suffering from acidity problems. After taking first dose I started having uneasiness and intermittent stomachache. I had too much faith in this medicine, after all I had read so many positive reviews all over the net. So I risked again and took another dose the very next day. This time the stomachache started soon after and Pancharishta being the cause of it was established beyond doubt. I realized that SINCE IT IS A COMPOSED OF SO MANY COMPONDS THE RESULTANT MIXTURE MAY NOT BE SUITED TO MANY. SO ALL WISE PEOPLE ARE ADVISED TO SPARE YOURSELF THE BURDEN OF BUYING THIS PRODUCT AND SPOILING YOUR STOMACH.
Another side-effect is the throat gets irritated and you would experiencing mild to moderate coughing immediately after taking this concoction.