Oct 23, 2003 03:00 PM
(Updated Oct 23, 2003 03:01 PM)
what a bad movie HEy I know most of u guys will rate this review as very bad , but I really don´t care, this review is for those who really know something about good film-making and enjoy quality films and zameen is definetly not a quality film.
Starring Ajay devgan, Abheshaik Bacchan and Bipashu Basu,Ii know u guys know who is starring but if I dont write down who is starring a lot of pepole will write me a comment or two and tell me how to write reviews with proper structure and etc,...Now I have to tell who directed this movie and who produced it(puuhhhh..) NR Pachisia produced this movie and Rohit Shetty directed it( whatever)...
But now I will start to write about the movie. The story: Pakistani hijackers/terrorists (and the terrorists are very reckless and brutal and dressed like pakistani muslim evil guys should be dressed like) kidnapping an Indian passenger plane and landing it somewhere in pakistan. They did that in order to free their leader Zaheer khan who is held in prison in India(Ajay, tough guy got him there..). Abheshaikh´s wife( Bipashu BAsu) is also in the plane, that is why he is also involved in the movie and as a civilian he really knows how to beat up pakistani terrorists ( why use people from the army or Intelligence,if India has civilians like Abheeshaikh) B
But okay u know how the story will end up- Abheesheikh and Ajay go to the border, they have a superb plan in mind how to rescue the plane and passengers,... how they do it watch it yourself if u want, but if I was you I would not watch the film at all.
So what did I really not like about the film: - the film says that the army of pakistan is evil and helps terrorists
terrorists = pakistani = dogs( ajay calls them dogs in the movie)
Ajay ones says in the movie that once there was the oppertunity to get rid of the name Pakistan in any world-map why did we not use this oppertunity(..really provoking ,isnt it)
-terrorists=pakis= ''Hidjre'' ( hidjre means people who r not man neither woman somewhere in between)
-and some more stupid things in the movie which have nothing to do with good dialogues - it seems to be more of a propaganda movie then an action flick ..
OH OH I know a lot of people will not like what I have just written above, I don´t care and I dont care about any rating points.
I think Pinjar will be a far better movie( it also about pak.indian issue, but in a much more delibarate manner and on a much higher level done what the art of movie-making is concerned..)
Zameen is really a bad movie, I have no other words for it.
comments welcome