May 27, 2016 07:59 PM
YouTube isn’t just an American favorite; it’s popular throughout the world. At the time this review was written, YouTube was garnering nearly 20 percent of all global traffic on the internet. Its popularity is just one clue that YouTube is the best video sharing site out there.
In fact, YouTube’s take on video sharing and creating a community, has influenced the way that most other video sharing sites work. The best part about YouTube is being able to watch videos, any video, without being a member, but the real strength of YouTube is the community members that interact, comment, and post videos for specific interests. It’s possible to find a video on YouTube for any interest, occupation, hobby or pastime, along with a lot of other videos that anybody can love.
Perhaps the most telling effect of YouTube’s video sharing formula is the fact that YouTube has gone from being the star to creating stars. Chances are good that you’ve heard of at least one of the following: LonelyGirl15, Chocolate Rain, Chris “Leave Britney Alone” Crocker, Lisa Nova, Charlie Bit Me, Evolution of Dance, Lerroooooy Jenkins, David Elswhere, Star Wars Kid, Numa Numa Man, Dramatic Look Gopher. All of these videos or people were made famous because of YouTube.
Now presidential candidates use YouTube as a way to give their debates and speeches a national audience, because YouTube has such a broad user base.
PROS / Community features and customization abilities, plus the sheer ubiquity of this site make YouTube a major player.
CONS / The service only accepts video in four formats, and upload times can be long depending on network traffic.
VERDICT / YouTube is the standard by which other services are measured. And it comes out on top.