Jun 05, 2011 03:13 PM
I have been a user of You telecom from 2006, so all who are writing about you after using it for a couple of months, can stop writing.
User id: gsriniv
Pros - was cheaper when no other option available and also they reach places where no other brands give connectivity.
Tech suppport resolution in 24 to 48 hours.
Ok Speed, I wuld only recommend 1mbps speed, remaining plans are useless.
Cons - Useless call centre staff without basic knowledge.
Ifare paying manually would need to keep the bills safely as they dont know how to maintain records.
Same pricing from the last 2 to 3 years where as other competetiors have slashed the prices.
Ovrall you has become a bit costly, I am shifting to hathway ths month, best part no installation charges and after 1 month if am dis-satisfied I loose nothing and im paying on a monthly basis.
Shop around for better product and if no option can go with YOU.